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Reading Informational Texts: Sled Dogs & Dog Sleds Ms. Foley’s Lesson Plans 8 th grade Language Arts Author Study on Jack London Literacy Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Informational Texts: Sled Dogs & Dog Sleds Ms. Foley’s Lesson Plans 8 th grade Language Arts Author Study on Jack London Literacy Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Informational Texts: Sled Dogs & Dog Sleds Ms. Foley’s Lesson Plans 8 th grade Language Arts Author Study on Jack London Literacy Lab

2 Good morning! Today, we will be reading informational texts about sled dogs and dog sleds. Open to a blank page in your journal/warm-up section. Based on what you have read in The King of Mazy May and your prior knowledge, consider: –What are the characteristics of a good sled dog? –What would you like to learn about dog sledding? (Note: We will be using your responses to create a class KWL chart)

3 KWL Chart: Sled Dogs & Dogsleds KnowWant to knowLearned

4 Task 1 : Read assigned texts about sled dogs and complete worksheet. –Each group has 3 pairs for partner reading. –While waiting for group members to finish reading, pairs will begin answering questions. –Group will bring the 6 completed worksheet to receive materials and assignment for Task 2. Task 2 : Scan texts about dogsleds and create a billboard advertising a piece of equipment (to present to the class).

5 Task 2 Using your packet of information and the “Mushing Terms Dictionary,” you will create a billboard that advertizes a component of the dog sled. Your billboard advertisement should include the following: What you are selling What it is made of Why it is important Consider creating a company name and/or features to make your product more marketable. (Please note that there is limited for this project, so I am more concerned about the information than the presentation. However, it should be easy to read when posted on our class dog sled display.)

6 Homework: Skim the supplementary reading about sled dogs. Create a classified ad or resume for an aspiring sled dog. Bring this assignment to class tomorrow! Before you leave, please turn in your readings and the group billboard. Thank you!

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