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Memo. What is a memo?  Definition:  Short message from one person to another in the same business or organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Memo. What is a memo?  Definition:  Short message from one person to another in the same business or organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memo

2 What is a memo?  Definition:  Short message from one person to another in the same business or organization

3 Settings  Margins  2” top margin  1” bottom, left, and right  Style  No Spacing  Header  Key the words “Memorandum”  Impact font  Bold  Font size 36  Centered  All Caps

4 Heading  Format  All Caps  Bold  Colon after  Double-space between items  Includes: TO : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT :  Use Tab key to align properly  Tab twice after TO : FROM : and DATE :  Tab once after SUBJECT :  TS after SUBJECT : line

5 Body  Explains the purpose of why the memo is written  Single spaced within paragraphs  Double-spaced between paragraphs  Block style  Paragraphs align against the left margin  No indents

6 Typists Initials  Type initials at the end of the memo in lowercase  Use only when the typist is not the memo writer

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