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Blowing a hole in the wall!! Miracle of birth, new birth and new life!! Heb 12: 1-2 Finishing well! Worship > Evangelism > Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Blowing a hole in the wall!! Miracle of birth, new birth and new life!! Heb 12: 1-2 Finishing well! Worship > Evangelism > Justice."— Presentation transcript:


2 Blowing a hole in the wall!! Miracle of birth, new birth and new life!! Heb 12: 1-2 Finishing well! Worship > Evangelism > Justice

3  1 Cor. 6:19  1 Peter 2:5  1 Cor. 3:16  Matt 21:12  John 3:30  Gen 1:27  Gen 2:7  1 Thess. 5:23

4 Holy of Holies Holy Place Courts spirit “bara” soul “nesha” body “yatsar” OT NT

5  Relationship: Friendship ; Intimacy › BECOMING fully who you were created to be › John 3:30 …He must become greater I must become less. › Matt 11:27 All things have been committed to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.  Partnership: Extension of His family; Community with each other; Purpose in the world – Kingdom of God – serving and caring for His creation › Obedience › 1Cor 5:14-15 For Christ’s LOVE compels us, because we are convinced that One died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.

6  Spirit › 1 Cor. 2:9-12 › 2 Cor. 4:2 › Eph 2:1-4 › Titus 1:15 › KNOWING! Soul › Heb 4:12-13 › 1 Pet 1:9 › Prov 23:7 Understanding!  Body › 1 John 2:16 › James 1:13- 15 › SEEING! SPIRIT -Intuition -Communion -Conscience SOUL -Mind -Will -Emotions BODY -Food -Defense -reproduction Spirit Identity Value Significance / destiny Soul Personhood Ability to relate Body Visible of the invisible Ability to love and serve

7 Need to KNOW God! Then our identity will not be replaced by our destiny. Identity and Destiny are not the same thing!  Human being vs.  Human doing


9  When I am thinking about me – I know something is “off”  People will only have value to you if…  Do these people love me?  Do they please me?  Do they benefit me?  Do they affirm and encourage me?  Do they agree with my opinions?  We take a position of superiority and make ourselves a god.

10  State of death  Cut off access to Tree of Life  Saving us from living forever in our selfishness  Don’t blame God – by our choices we are alienated.  But remember: › Rom 8 – nothing can separate us from His LOVE – God has not separated us – we have. › When you sin He is so close – that is why Jesus came

11 John 3:16 GOD Father Loves –CreatesCreated - Humanity FallSON SpeaksCan’t hear/listen BlessesCan’t receive/hides RevealsConfused/lost GivesTakes/consumes Embraceslonely/disconnected

12  Rom 1:21….  Idolatry – is exchanging the knowledge of the true God for false concepts of God.

13 Ps 135: 15-18 ‘Those who make them (idols) will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.’ We are made in His image. If you want to know who you are can’t start with you – must start with GOD! We become what we worship – Today we worship……….STUFF

14 What do we do with stuff? Buy it, use it, sell it or throw it away! Today what gives things value? If it is useful and if it look good! Today we value people the same way: Valuable if they can do useful things for us and if they look good!

15  Cut off from the source of LOVE the great I AM! Now we are ruled by the “I am not…!”  Try to get love from the outside in. Instead of the inside out.  Whatever meets you need for love – WILL control you.  Mt 12:34, Jer 17:9, Prov 4:23, Ps 139:23, 1 Sam 16;7, Prov 23:7, Ehp 4:26, Mt 6:21

16  Human being cut off from infinite all wise all knowing God. So now all you know is what you know. = pathetic!!!  Fallen world with it’s fallen structures/cultures telling you fallen things about your fallen self and you in your fallenness believe it! And so now reflect the fallen world,not the LORD!!  Believing the lie! I am not….. vs. I AM!

17  Adam realized he was naked and hid  Hiding is ‘priding’  humility is uncovered  Doubt, fear, guilt and shame, loss and anxiety  Denying, coping!

18  Spirit › 1 Cor. 2:9-12 › 2 Cor. 4:2 › Titus 1:15  Soul › Heb 4:12-13 › 1 Pet 1:9  Body › 1 John 2:16 › James 1:13- 15 SPIRIT -Intuition -Communion -Conscience SOUL -Mind -Will -Emotions BODY -Food -Defense -reproduction Spirit Identity Value Significance / destiny Soul Personhood Ability to relate Body Visible of the invisible Ability to love and serve

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