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National Emission Inventory System of Slovakia Katarína Magulová, Katarína Marečková Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "National Emission Inventory System of Slovakia Katarína Magulová, Katarína Marečková Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Emission Inventory System of Slovakia Katarína Magulová, Katarína Marečková Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute

2 Originalstructure of the system Original structure of the system  REZZO - stationary sources SO2, NOx, CO, TZP  R1 LPS > 5MW (about 1000 sources) subcategories: Energy, Industry - annual update  R2 0.2-5MW (about 9000 sources) – 4 years cycle Questioners collected by SHMU  R3 <0.2 MW (fuel sold) Information annually collected by SHMU  Other categories/ pollutants  Transport – external contribution - yearly contract – COPERT II  Agriculture - external - IPCC categories -since 1990 annually  HM – SNAP, 1990, 1992, 1994-99  NMVOC – VOC protocol categories/ SNAP categories – 1990, 1993, 1995-99  POPs - SNAP 1990, 1995, 1997-99  GHGs – IPCC categories - since 1990 annually

3 Methodologies used for emission estimation  data annually updated by questionnaires  combustion process - emissions calculated using EF  emissions from technologies according to the findings of sources  emissions from transport COPERT  Since 1993 sources are obliged to report yearly emission data to district offices (DO)   Since 1987 SHMÚ operates REZZO   DO are competent to decide on amount of emissions   emission measurement/calculation according to Gov. Regulation   mostly manual data processing   regional databases are not integrated

4  Duplicated data collection  Inconsistency of data at local and national level  Inconsistency in source categorisation  Inconsistency of data processing on the level of different DO  Outdated data processing on the level of DO Disadvantages of the original system

5 Accession/Adaptation steps  Creation of a new BAT-based legislation  Emission standards, categorisation of air pollution sources, list of polluting substances, fees for air pollution, emission measurement/calculation  Development of Programs for Fulfilment of International commitments  Reporting to: UN ECE CLRTAP, Montreal Protocol, UN FCCC,….  Steps towards EU accession  Identification of gaps, Transposition of EU legislation (IPPC, LCP, WI, VOC, GHG monitoring mechanism, EPER... )  Need for transformation of the emission inventory system

6 NEIS: Development of the System Collaboration with all subjects involved - MoE, MoIA, RO, DO, SEPA during the whole project period  Preparatory phase - design of the system  Realisation phase -  Realisation phase - creation of particular applications  Pilot testing -  Pilot testing - in at least one district in each of the eight regions  Terminal phase -  Terminal phase - optimisation and finishing of the system  Implementation phase -  Implementation phase - implementation of the system in the DO, at air pollution sources and at SHMU

7 NEIS structure

8 Data contained in NEIS  Identification data of point sources -operator, address, categorisation (NACE, SNAP, SK-law)  Technical/technological data- source composition, combustion equipment technological equipment  Stacks and gas escape localities  Abatement techniques/efficiency  Combustion sources- total emitted quantities, calculation conditions, emission factors, emission measurement results  Technological sources- total emitted quantities, calculation conditions, emission factors, emission measurement results  Fuels and other fired substances average composition data and parameters, quantities consumed

9  Unified air pollution source data collection and processing all over the territory of Slovakia  Data verification possibility due to the incorporated supporting data files and calculation formulas  Transparent and coherent emission data for national air quality assessment/management  Compliance with the national legislation  Complex multi-level system consisting of modules for the level of a particular plant, municipality, district, region and whole Slovakia  Interconnection of NEIS with the international emission inventory system CORINAIR Advantages of the new system General preparedness for GHGMM and EPER (only air pollution)

10 Need for further steps (1)  Adapt the NEIS system for automated EPER reporting  Identifying EPER-relevant installations within the NEIS  link NEIS activity codes (NACE codes) with the IPPC source categories  develop procedure to ensure non-biased reporting and checking by operators and district offices  formalise the process of preparing emission factors  setting up a organisational structure and procedure for inclusion of water pollutants  rules for consistency checking on the national level

11 Need for further steps (2)  GHG reporting  developing a QA/QC system for supplementing NEIS data  further application of the IPPC Good Practice Guidance  ensuring consistency between the national energy statistics with fuel data obtained through NEIS  address uncertainty management  link reporting requirement and responsible organisations ??  establish system for documenting and archiving as required by Kyoto protocol

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