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Bell RingerDate: October 12 th, 2015 1) Hand in any overdue HW. Copy down HW for tonight 2) Take out a new sheet of paper, Label it Bell Ringers 10/12-16/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell RingerDate: October 12 th, 2015 1) Hand in any overdue HW. Copy down HW for tonight 2) Take out a new sheet of paper, Label it Bell Ringers 10/12-16/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell RingerDate: October 12 th, 2015 1) Hand in any overdue HW. Copy down HW for tonight 2) Take out a new sheet of paper, Label it Bell Ringers 10/12-16/2015. Answer question below. Question: Why did the British impose taxes on the colonists after the French and Indian War?

2 $ Tax Laws $ $ $ $2 – To Sharpen your pencil $2 – If you are out of your seat without permission $2 – Talking Without Permission $3 – If you need to borrow supplies from the teacher $5 – To use the restroom $5 – To get a drink of water $10 – If you are tardy (Unexcused)

3 Take out the sheet from Friday labeled British Laws C3 Turn to Pages 147-48 in your textbook You have 8-10 minutes to finish this organizer.

4 Review Chapter Wednesday 1) Who fought in the French and Indian War A) The French vs. the Indians B) French & Indians vs. British C) British & Indians vs. French D) British vs. Indians

5 Review Chapter Wednesday 2) What area were the French and British fighting over in North America? A) Albany, New York B) Fort Duquesne C) The Virginia Colony D) The Ohio River Valley

6 Review Chapter Wednesday 3) What fatal mistake did General Edward Braddock make in the French and Indian War? A) He disregarded the colonists the French had better weapons. B) He disregarded the colonists advice of an ambush. C) He thought he had the best army in the world. D) He disregarded the colonists advice that the weather was bad and they would freeze to death.

7 Review Chapter Wednesday 4) Who won the French and Indian War and took control of North America? A) The British B) The French C) The Spanish D) The Colonists

8 Review Chapter Wednesday 4) Who won the French and Indian War and took control of North America? A) The British B) The French C) The Spanish D) The Colonists

9 Label This Boston Massacre C4 Fold your paper into four boxes With you desk partner, analyze the primary source pictures and answer the questions for each picture.


11 The Boston Massacre C4 With your desk partner, analyze the primary sources, answering the questions on the sheet of paper.

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