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TAC Status on ITAR WG 06 January 2016 Manchester Hyatt (San Diego, CA) Joaquin H. Castro.

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Presentation on theme: "TAC Status on ITAR WG 06 January 2016 Manchester Hyatt (San Diego, CA) Joaquin H. Castro."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAC Status on ITAR WG 06 January 2016 Manchester Hyatt (San Diego, CA) Joaquin H. Castro

2 Define appropriate ITAR strategy for AIAA Experimenting with ITAR sessions at the P&E (since JPC 2013) and AVIATION forums What the next steps/longer term strategy with respect to this kind of programming. Issues What is AIAA trying to accomplish with an ITAR program?  T opics, target programs, competition, what is the need? Who are the communities that AIAA feels would benefit from having ITAR tracks? Where are the appropriate places (forums) to have ITAR tracks? What is the interface between the ITAR tracks we want to do and our DEFENSE forum? How do we want to organize our member community around the ITAR track initiative? Do we need a strategic committee looking over topics at a high level to de-conflict FORUMs or do we just let each FORUM work at the tactical level? What kinds of metrics will we use to measure the success of the ITAR effort? Do we really understand the impact on foreign national members/attendance at AIAA Forums if we have ITAR tracks?. 2 Problem Statement

3 Define appropriate ITAR strategy for AIAA  Joaquin Castro (co-chair)  James Guglielmo  Peggy Hayes  David Hills  Sandy Magnus  Dave McGrath (co-chair)  John Schmisseur  Rob Vermeland 3 Working Group Members

4 Define appropriate ITAR strategy for AIAA First Meeting/Call held on Friday 18 Dec 2015 Discussed need and available venues Traditionally focused on Industry and Government but there is also an academic need for ITAR venues, even an ITAR Journal? Actions Need to better define “ITAR Market” needs and competing venues AIAA Marketing Team to create questionnaire for our community where are people in the TAC community presenting ITAR content and what are they presenting? Must also identify questionnaire target audience outside of AIAA Brief and engage TAC in the process 4

5 Define appropriate ITAR strategy for AIAA 1.JANNAF, Propulsion focus 2.NSMMS ( ) has traditionally had 300- 500 attendees and they focus on ITAR sessions for material science 3.USACA ( meets every January in Cocoa Beach and is another ITAR only ceramic materials meeting 4.TTCP ( ) coordinates S&T initiatives for the 5 traditionally English speaking countries. ( NATO ). Seem to be more applied in nature (TRL 3-4 or the mature end of 6.2) 5.NATO/STO ( ) coordinates S&T activities across NATO member countries and has provisions for participation of non-NATO nations in some initiatives 6.AIAA Defense Forum? 5 Existing ITAR venues (WIP)

6 Define appropriate ITAR strategy for AIAA Need TAC’s help on defining ITAR Market:  Identify and document specific or unmet needs for ITAR content venues  Identify potential competing markets or communities  Existing ITAR venues and their audience/participants  People and Institutions outside AIAA that we can send the questionnaire to 6 Working Group Members

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