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Archetypes. Archetypes as People Original model for characters.

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Presentation on theme: "Archetypes. Archetypes as People Original model for characters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypes

2 Archetypes as People Original model for characters

3 Explanation Hercules is the model of a strong man. Exceptionally strong men who appear later in literature are said to be archetypal Hercules figures because they resemble the original Hercules.

4 Archetypes as Places Original model for places appearing later in history or literature

5 Explanation Sodom, Gomorrah, and Babylon, are original examples of cities corrupted by sin. Decadent cities appearing later are said to be archetypical sin cities. Hollywood and Las Vegas are modern examples.

6 What is an Archetype Object? An object, substance, or cycle of nature that always symbolizes or represents the same positive or negative qualities.

7 Examples Rivers represent the passage of time The sun represents life, and the sunrise represents a new beginning Red represents passion, anger, blood, or war Winter represents death, dormancy, or atrophy

8 The “Hero”

9 Hero Heroes will endure separation and hardship for the sake of their people; self-sacrifice. Heroes must pay a price to attain their goals

10 Hero’s Journey The hero’s journey often involves separating from family or familiar surroundings in order to enter a new, unfamiliar, challenging world, then a return to the ordinary, it now expanded, world. One pattern of the hero’s journey is…Fight, Flight, Learn, Return

11 Hero’s Journey The Journey: represents of the journey of life, this is the hero’s path and may lead through danger, hardship, ordeals, and other tests of strength, maturity, and wisdom on the way to the goal. Heroes encounter both people and tasks on the journey that teach and strengthen them.

12 Types of Hero Journeys The Quest – looking for something –The Quest for Identity –The Quest for Vengeance –The Quest to Rid the Land of Danger –The Grail Quest –The Quest for the Magic Elixir –The Quest for Love –The Fool’s Errand

13 Hero’s Journey The Journey – Traveling from Place to Place –The Journey of Knowledge –The Epic Journey: Promised Land or Good City –The Tragic Journey to the Crossroads

14 Elements of The Hero’s Journey The call to adventure Refusal of the call Accepting the call (By force, by chance, because of a mistake, or by choice) Supernatural aid Crossing the threshold or defeating the guardian of the threshold Belly of the whale experience: rebirth of the hero

15 Elements of The Hero’s Journey cont. The revelation: the hero emerges from the belly of the whale with a new way of thinking The Gift of the Goddess: Mother Nature provides some from of help, that allows the hero to complete his journey

16 Elements of The Hero’s Journey cont. The atonement: the hero receives a reward for his journey The ultimate boon: the hero receives the prize for which he set out on his quest The return: The hero’s return to his home, that has been changed, or appears changed because he has changed.

17 Other Elements of The Hero’s Journey The task: The action which heroes must perform in order to save the people (sometimes given as a part of the call to adventure). The initiation: ordeal undergone by the hero in order to attain full status/maturity (from the threshold through the belly of the whale). The fall: The hero’s loss of innocence or high position results in humility (usually takes place during or just before the belly of the whale).

18 Symbolic Archetypes: People

19 The Mentor: Teaches the hero and gives him or her gifts (weapons, food, magic, information) older and wiser The Shadow: worthy opponent with whom the hero must struggle in a fight to the end The Trickster: clown, mischief-maker, sometimes an ally or companion of the hero

20 Symbolic Archetypes: People The Crone: female wisdom in old age; magic and medicine The Scapegoat: the hero who must die in order to atone for the people’s wrongdoing and restore the nation to health. The Stranger: the person who brings another view point to the situation The Outcast: the wanderer

21 Symbolic Archetypes: People The country bumpkin: a moral innocent in a world of shady operators The Monster: the hero’s dark self; the prince who has turned into the beast The Demonic Adversary: a villain; represents the forces of evil, chaos, darkness; is almost as strong as the hero; may take a monstrous form

22 Symbolic Archetypes: People The Dwarf: a distorted, twisted, or magical viewpoint; the adult who sees things from a child’s perspective The great mother or the goddess: The protector of good, the home, and the family The terrible mother/wicked stepmother/witch: associated with evil, fear, death

23 Symbolic Archetypes: People The Old Man of the Woods: Male wisdom in old age; associated with lore of nature and woodcraft The Orphan: the pitiable and frightened aspect of childhood The Harlot The Virgin Sacrifice The Damsel in Distress

24 Symbolic Archetypes: Places

25 The Threshold: gateway to a new world the hero must enter in order to change and grow The Underworld: the encounter with the dark side of the self, the fear of death The River: the stream of time and the flow of circumstance, purity regained, sin washed away, death

26 Symbolic Archetypes: Places The Wilderness: Passion, lawlessness, the subconscious, chaos –The Happy Forest –The Haunted Forest –The Prairie/Frontier –The Jungle –The Primeval Forest –The Sea (also represents infinity, the unconscious, the imagination

27 Symbolic Archetypes: Places The Garden: The productive and idyllic state of innocence, reconciliation and peace, harmony with nature, the imagination, childhood –The tree of life –The enchanted garden/the poisoned fruit –The hidden garden

28 Symbolic Archetypes: Places The Winding Stair: Arduous and dangerous way into the unknown The Castle: Strong place of safety, holds treasure or princess, may be enchanted The Tower: strong place of evil isolation of the self The Crossroads: the place of decision, penance, self-denial

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