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Dialogue Facility – Bridging Phase 2015-2016 11 November 2015 Workshop DIRCO.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialogue Facility – Bridging Phase 2015-2016 11 November 2015 Workshop DIRCO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialogue Facility – Bridging Phase 2015-2016 11 November 2015 Workshop DIRCO

2 Roles and responsibilities 1- Finding a dialogue partner in the EU 2- Procurement and contracting 3- Project implementation

3 Finding a dialogue partner in the EU Contact the Delegation of the European Union

4 Procurement and contracting 1- Finalising the tender documents: Department/Organisation with the assistance of the PMU 2- Initiating the Framework Contract procurement process: EU Delegation 3- Evaluating the offers received: Department/Organisation + the EU Delegation 4- Signing the contract: EU Delegation

5 Project implementation 1- Department/Organisation: supervises implementation by contractor / requests for PMU support / reports to PSC 2- PMU: assists Department/Organisation with daily management of contract 3- PSC, DIRCO & EUD: monitor project's progress and overall Dialogue Facility 4- EU Delegation: follows up project's developments / facilitates contacts with EU HQ and member States / approves contractor's report / proceeds to payments

6 Roles and responsibilities To summarise, Department/Organisation's roles and responsibilities: 1- Requests EUD for contacts of potential dialogue partners in the EU 2- Finalises the ToR, logframe and budget (with the PMU) 3- Evaluates offers received to select the contractor (with the EUD) 4- Supervises implementation by contractor / maintains dialogue with dialogue partner in the EU 5- Requests for PMU support during implementation 6- Reports on progress to PSC

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