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Keeping the D in SES Sarah Lewis Equality & Diversity Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping the D in SES Sarah Lewis Equality & Diversity Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping the D in SES Sarah Lewis Equality & Diversity Manager

2 Who are we ?  Post 92  City Centre ‘campus’  18 000 students; 2 300 staff + HPLs  5.8% students; 3.4% staff disabled  Disabilities Officer since 1992  ‘Two Ticks' symbol holder since 1993  DRC praise for DES and its approach

3 We have … Race Equality Policy Race Equality Scheme Gender Equality Scheme Disability Equality Scheme Policy on the Employment of Disabled People and People with LTHC Policy on Supporting Students with Disabilities

4 By 23:59 on Dec. 3 2009 ! Single Equality Scheme (to meet legal requirements and bridge the gap till 2011) Main actions – disability, gender and race Some also on age, religion and belief and sexual orientation Maintain asymmetrical nature of disability Probably ‘touch’ on inter-sectionality

5 Current Formats 1.Introduction 2.Background 3.Consultation 4.Gathering Information 5.How the Information Gathered will be Used 6.Impact Assessments for (Gender) Equality 7.Action Plan 8.Responsibilities for Implementation 9.Annual Reporting on Progress 10.Publication of this Scheme 11.The second (Gender) Equality Scheme

6 Proposed SES Format - Section 1 will include the Statement of Commitment to Equality and Diversity - Sections 2 and 7 will detail the General Duties for each strand and how the University will meet these - Annex A - a table listing all actions in the SES, demonstrating which strands they impact on - Annex B – Race Equality Policy

7 Informing and Involvement CU Student Experience Satisfaction Survey – all responses analysed by age, disability, gender, race+ CU Staff Satisfaction Survey – all responses analysed by age, disability, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation + Follow up research with disabled staff and employees with LTHC

8 Informing and Involvement DEN Disabled Students’ Network CUSU Disability Society (working title !) EMSN LGB Staff Network CUSU nationality and faith societies CUSU Officers and EDC Spirituality and Faith Centre

9 Final Thoughts Not as comprehensive an approach as originally planned BUT Understandable Keeps asymmetrical nature of disability Assist with transition to new Equality Duties Monitorable Legally compliant Responsive to evidence of need

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