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Social innovation and inclusion: a new paradigm for action Ana Vale.

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Presentation on theme: "Social innovation and inclusion: a new paradigm for action Ana Vale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social innovation and inclusion: a new paradigm for action Ana Vale

2 The EQUAL Community Initiative A starting point : new solutions to social problems more and more complex can benefit from the exchange of experiences, practices, knowledge and reflection between Member States A clear objective : developing innovative actions to fight against discrimation in the labour market

3 A framework : the innovation and mainstreaming cycle: needs diagnosis, testing, validation and mainstreaming Principles: partnership, empowerment, gender equality, transnational cooperation, mainstreaming as main ingredients to promote social innovation

4 Resources: Wide range of organisations and people involved National and european networks Time to achieve results and mainstream them Specific funding allocated to social innovation

5 Changing the paradigm: To focus on individuals and communities strenghts rather than their weaknesses Community based solutions rather than national solutions To capitalize on diversity rather than discriminating gender, race, religion, age, handicapped people

6 To build solutions with the target groups rather than detached from them To develop an holistic approach to problems rather than answering in a fragmented way To reinforce collaborative solutions and partnerships rather than give one organisation one responsability

7 Changing the paradigm : To encourage collaboration rather than competition To make information available rather than limited and inaccessible To make a better use of resources rather than duplicate effort

8 Innovation & Mainstreaming Cycle: Needs assessment Experimentation Validation and recognition of the quality of the results Transfer and dissemination

9 EQUAL – a capital to explore : New ways of learning (the role of peers) New spaces and dynamics of learning (networks, empowered communities) New actors and new leaderships (social innovators, social artists)

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