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1 Software Workshop Report Malcolm Ellis MICE Video Conference Wednesday 9 th November 2005.

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1 1 Software Workshop Report Malcolm Ellis MICE Video Conference Wednesday 9 th November 2005

2 2 Tutorial 14 people attended the workshop. Of these, 9 were not MICE software “regulars”. G4MICE was installed on a number of different systems including: Personal laptop Cluster/workstations in CERN, Sheffield, IIT, Osaka and UCR Results from a very simple simulation and analysis of the cooling channel were reproduced by new users of G4MICE. Can consider holding a similar tutorial for existing and new users at the Osaka meeting – would this be useful?

3 3 Software Workshop 3 days: 26 th – 28 th October. 13 people attended. Very ambitious set of tasks, managed to achieve a lot of them. Still more work to be done and things to discuss in future software meetings.

4 4 Unit Tests Unit Testing typically finds 90% of bugs and is a crucial requirement for the implementation of a more rigorous release procedure. Development of tests continued at the workshop. Aim for a minimum of one test for each domain/sub-domain before Christmas so that a complete release cycle can be performed before the Osaka meeting.

5 5 Domains/Dependencies Several new domains have been added (e.g. Applications, Persist, Visualization, etc…) The new dependencies have been implemented in the Makefiles and in the perl script that allows users to create Applications (next slide). Still some work to be done to remove a couple of unwanted dependencies. Aim to be done before the Osaka meeting.

6 6 Applications RealData Persist Visualization Analysis BeamToolsCalibConfig DetModelDetRespEngModel Interface Kalman Optics Recon Simulation GEANT4CLHEPGSLROOT STL libsx G4MICE Architecture November 2005 Zlib

7 7 Applications New system allows users to create an executable that has the user’s code but is linked with any part of G4MICE. Sample applications for the existing tasks (Simulation, DetResponse, etc…) are being finalised. Sample applications for use of ROOT/PAW for histogramming and reconstruction and analysis of test beam data will also be committed.

8 8 Persistency Making progress on the first implementation (gzipped text file). Lara and Roumen have experience of this technology and have started writing the code to make classes in the “MICEEvent” persistent. New output format will allow much more flexible use of data.

9 9 MCS in GEANT4 Preliminary results from MuScat were presented showing a comparison between the MuScat data and GEANT4. We will be implementing a test to compare the multiple scattering distribution that is produced by GEANT4 with this data to keep track of the effect of migrating to newer versions in the future.

10 10 BeamTools/Optics MagField has been moved to Interface Produced a running Optics executable. Still more work to do, including: Update BeamTools classes (design work) Fix BTrfMap class Clean up BTSolenoid Remove references to GEANT4 Move physical and logical volumes to EngModel.

11 11 TOF Development of reconstruction code for the KEK test beam is underway. Once that is finished focus will move to Simulation/Digitisation and use of reconstruction code on simulation of the full MICE experiment.

12 12 EmCal Made progress on re-design of EmCal simulation and digitisation code. Unable to finish work during workshop, once I’m properly back “online” Rikard and I will finish that work and check on the SciFi rec code to ensure that it is usable for PID studies.

13 13 Conclusions Great turn-out to both the tutorial and software workshop. Hope to continue to see the new faces at coming meetings! We will be alternating the software meeting times to ensure that each of the three continents gets the opportunity to participate. Work on a number of areas has stopped since the meeting due to my change of employer. Once the upcoming meetings are over and I’ve sorted out the usual administrative tasks, we should return to development and analysis at the usual pace.

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