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Conventions The Four Writing Traits. What are conventions? The mechanical correctness of a piece of writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Conventions The Four Writing Traits. What are conventions? The mechanical correctness of a piece of writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conventions The Four Writing Traits

2 What are conventions? The mechanical correctness of a piece of writing

3 Things to think about when editing your writing: 1.Be aware of the writing conventions: Spelling Punctuation Grammar and Usage Paragraph Structure Capitalization 2. Pay attention to the little details such as wordiness, word choice, and awkward sentences

4 Things to think about when editing your writing: 3. Be consistent 4.Make reading your writing simple 5.Mistakes in conventions can hurt your message or ideas 6.Check and double check for errors

5 Conventions are like... the nuts and bolts of a car; without them your writing will fall apart.

6 Conventions are like...

7 Conventions Rubric 6: Commits few if any errors in standard English grammar 5: Grammar and usage are correct and contribute to clarity and style; free of errors 4: A good grasp of grammar and style, only light editing needed 3: Shows reasonable control over a limited range of grammar and usage; errors are sometimes distracting and impair readability 2: Errors are plentiful and are often distracting and impair readability; incorrect grammar distorts meaning 1: Errors make the text extremely difficult to read; errors impair readability and distort meaning; extensive editing needed

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