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Top Ten Signs Your Class May NOT be Missional. 10. You tell your education minister that your class has no prospects.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Ten Signs Your Class May NOT be Missional. 10. You tell your education minister that your class has no prospects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Ten Signs Your Class May NOT be Missional

2 10. You tell your education minister that your class has no prospects.

3 9. The door to your classroom has a security lock on it …and only members have the PIN.

4 8. Your class memorizes Scripture together …in Latin!

5 7. You complain to your Sunday School director that the literature is too shallow …and it is written by Al Mohler.

6 6. The name of your class blog is: Us 4 and No More

7 5. You have a picture of Jesus in your room …holding a King James Bible.

8 4. The title of the last Sunday School clinic you attended was… A Million More in ’54 …and you hated it!

9 3. When an outsider visits your class… You play one round of musical chairs… And you make sure he loses!

10 Your class has 8 members and 8 recliners …and a “kneeling bench” for visitors

11 And the number 1 sign your class may not be missional… You think Ed Stetzer is one of them stinking liberals!

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