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特邀学术报告 报告题目: Integration of Wind Energy and Distributed Generation Resources in the US 报 告 人:报 告 人: Dr. John N. Jiang University of Oklahoma Norman, OK,

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Presentation on theme: "特邀学术报告 报告题目: Integration of Wind Energy and Distributed Generation Resources in the US 报 告 人:报 告 人: Dr. John N. Jiang University of Oklahoma Norman, OK,"— Presentation transcript:

1 特邀学术报告 报告题目: Integration of Wind Energy and Distributed Generation Resources in the US 报 告 人:报 告 人: Dr. John N. Jiang University of Oklahoma Norman, OK, USA 报告时间: 2014 年 7 月 10 日, 星期四,下午 14:30 报告地点:清华大学西主楼 2 区 203 主办单位:清华大学电机系 联 系 人:联 系 人:康重庆

2 报告内容: This interactive lecture provides an update on some ideas recently developed for the grid integration of electric power generated from large-scale wind farms in the United States. The particular interest is in the area of control of active power generation from the wind and the coordination of wind power with distributed energy resources. These new ideas may motivate the some research and development of new technologies in the area so that the variable and intermittent wind energy can be integrated more reliably and economically.

3 报告人简介: Dr. John N. Jiang is OGE endowed chair professor in electrical engineering, and director of Electricity and Energy Reliability and Risk Research Laboratory in School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. His research interests is in analyzing the reliability of the power grid and the risks in the power market.

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