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Refusing to Follow Advice Acts 27-28. Paul sets sail for Rome to be tried by Caesar Acts 27:1-9.

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Presentation on theme: "Refusing to Follow Advice Acts 27-28. Paul sets sail for Rome to be tried by Caesar Acts 27:1-9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refusing to Follow Advice Acts 27-28

2 Paul sets sail for Rome to be tried by Caesar Acts 27:1-9

3 He traveled with 276 prisoners and sailors Acts 27:37

4 Paul foresees trouble during the voyage to Rome Acts 27:10

5 The ship is wrecked off the island of Melita, Julius, a centurion refuses to listen to Paul’s advice Acts 27:11,16 Acts 28:1

6 Paul reassures passengers that all would be saved Paul heals the sick and survives a snake bite. Acts 27:22 Acts 28:3-5 Acts 28:8-9

7 Over the Edge On a dark rainy night, a 7,300-ton barge smashed into two piers of the Tasman Bridge Three spans of bridge collapsed

8 A family was driving across the bridge when the lights went out. A speeding car passed them and disappeared

9 Murray Ling, the father, slammed on his brakes and skidded to a stop, one yard from the edge of a black void.

10 Murray got his family out of the car and began warning oncoming traffic of the disaster ahead.

11 As he waved his arms, to his horror, a car swerved around him and plummeted into the abyss. A second car stopped in time, but a third car crashed into the Ling’s car at the edge of the bridge.

12 A loaded bus headed toward Murray, ignoring his waving arms. Murray ran along side the bus drivers window yelling, “There’s a span missing”

13 The bus swerved just in time and came to a halt against the railing. Dozens of lives had been saved.

14 What are some of the warning signs we need to pay attention to?

15 Who has the Lord given us to warn about the dangers ahead?

16 What have the prophets warned us about recently? Controlling anger and being forgiving Inappropriate use of the internet Marriage between a man and a woman Charity and service

17 What could happen if we choose not to listen to the prophets?

18 What happens when we do listen and heed?

19 “I am grateful for these Brethren whom we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators who forewarn us of bridges not to be crossed” Elder Spencer J. Condie

20 How did Paul survive the crises? Courage (Acts 27:21-24) Hope (Acts 27:22,25) Faith in God (Acts 30-31)

21 Allow The Lord to lead you by: Trusting in the Lord Willing to let your heart and your mind be centered in His will Asking to be led by the spirit to do His will “This will assure you of the greatest happiness along the way and the most fulfilling attainment from this mortal experience.”

22 “If you question everything you are asked to do, or dig in your heels at every unpleasant challenge, you make it harder for the Lord to bless you” Richard G. Scott

23 Sources: “Over the Edge” Readers Digest Nov. 1977 Page 128-129 Elder Spencer J. Condie Oct 1993 Ensign Elder Richard G. Scott Conf. Report April 1996 or Ensign May 1996 Photos of Tasman Bridge, Australia 1975

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