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C MEET THE TEACHER 2016 Miss Amy Downs Tuck. Welcome to 1/2D Class 1/2D contains 26 students 14 Year 1 Students: 7 girls and 7 boys 12 Year 2 Students:

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Presentation on theme: "C MEET THE TEACHER 2016 Miss Amy Downs Tuck. Welcome to 1/2D Class 1/2D contains 26 students 14 Year 1 Students: 7 girls and 7 boys 12 Year 2 Students:"— Presentation transcript:

1 C MEET THE TEACHER 2016 Miss Amy Downs Tuck

2 Welcome to 1/2D Class 1/2D contains 26 students 14 Year 1 Students: 7 girls and 7 boys 12 Year 2 Students: 4 girls and 8 boys There are 7 Stage 1 classes this year: K/1D (Mrs Donovan)1/2D (Miss Downs Tuck) 1M (Mrs Huynh-Montgomery)2C (Mrs Caldwell) 1A (Ms Adams)2W (Mrs Worthington) 2H (Mrs Hewitt)

3 School Routines All payments to the office before school. Please sign a permission slip for each child Lunch orders on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Place orders at the canteen before school Late arrivals/early departures to the office to sign register prior to going to your child’s class Absences Food at school- Birthdays/ Nut free school

4 Behaviour Management Systems Whole School Merit Award System

5 Behaviour Management Systems Classroom Reward System Dojo Points

6 Days to Remember Monday Library at 9:20am- Please make sure your child brings their library bag for borrowing books and returns their books before school Music Groups at 2.20pm Junior Choir- Miss Downs Tuck (Year 2 only) Pulse Dance Group- Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Hewitt (Years 1 and 2) Music Room Program- Mrs Montgomery, Ms Adams, Mrs Worthington (Years 1 and 2) Wednesday Scripture at 9:50am (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Ethics and Non-Scripture) Got Game Sports Program at 12:10pm Mr Kane’s Music Program (Year 1- 1:25pm, Year 2- 2:20pm) Friday Italian at 10:20am

7 Homework Handed out on a Monday morning, due back to school on Friday morning Weekly homework consists of: PRACTICE EXERCISES Spelling Lists LCWC Spelling Activity Maths Mentals Book (2 pages) Home Reading (at least 3 times each week) SPEAKING AND LISTENING News

8 OPS Homework Policy What parents/caregivers do to help? Support your child in setting aside time each day for homework Provide a dedicated place for homework Communicate with the teacher any concerns about the nature of homework your child receives or your child's approach to completing their homework Encourage your children to read and take an interest in current events

9 Keeping Informed School Stream app Oatley Public School website Weekly Homework Sheet

10 CLASS PROGRAM Implementing the Australian Curriculum in English, Maths, Science, History and Geography this year Co-operative planning with Stage1 (Year 1 and Year 2) Literacy- Spelling, Writing, News, Guided Reading, Modelled Reading, Handwriting, Language and Grammar Numeracy- Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability

11 CLASS PROGRAM Science- School Yard Safari Unit of work based on the school environment and animal habitats History- Family History Unit of work based on present and past family life Creative Arts– Music, Dance, Drama and Visual Arts PD.H.PE– Got Game Sports program, fitness tests and goals focusing on the development of fundamental movement skills and Bounce Back

12 CAN YOU HELP? Thank you for your interest so far. The Reading Group Program in 1/2D for Term 1 is about developing student independence in reading tasks. 1/2D will not need parent helpers this Term however we will be seeking assistance in Term 2 Before committing yourself to helping in the classroom, we ask parents to sign a child protection declaration, sign on and off at the visitors register and wear a visitors badge, and preferably come without younger children when helping.

13 CONERNS Please feel free to make an appointment to speak with me in regards to your child’s learning in the classroom During pick up time in the afternoon’s it is my duty of care to ensure all the children go home with their parents or caregivers so I would appreciate if you did not approach me during this time I am available most afternoons after school

14 THANK YOU! I look forward to a productive and rewarding year working with you and your child in 1/2D

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