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VOCABULARY UNIT 14. odoriferous POS: adj. Definition – yielding or spreading an odor. S – “Oh my! I hate it when someone runs over a skunk because it.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY UNIT 14. odoriferous POS: adj. Definition – yielding or spreading an odor. S – “Oh my! I hate it when someone runs over a skunk because it."— Presentation transcript:


2 odoriferous POS: adj. Definition – yielding or spreading an odor. S – “Oh my! I hate it when someone runs over a skunk because it is so odoriferous!” Synonyms: odorous, aromatic, smelly, pungent

3 milled POS: verb Definition – past tense of mill (to move around aimlessly, slowly, or confusedly, as a herd of cattle.) S – The students milled in the hallways everyday resulting in the majority of them being late for class. Synonyms: amble aimlessly, move slowly

4 noxious POS: adj. Definition – harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being. S – The smell of many things can make someone ill. Many people would say that the smell of gasses is noxious because many gasses can be harmful if inhaled. Synonyms: toxic, deadly

5 reeked POS: verb Definition – to smell strongly and unpleasantly S – The smell of the gasses from the swamp reeked of rotten eggs. As we were fishing, my dad told me that it was sulfur we were smelling. Synonyms: smell of; give off odor; have an odor; stink

6 a plethora of POS: noun Definition – overabundance; excess of something S – When some students receive a plethora of gifts for the holidays or their birthdays, they donate the excess toys to children in need. Synonyms: excess; much; overabundance

7 noisome POS: adj. Definition – harmful or injurious to health S – When the abandoned building caught on fire, the firemen would not allow anyone to pass within two blocks because the billowing black smoke was noisome if inhaled and could make someone ill. Synonyms: dangerous; hurtful; injurious

8 billowed POS: verb Definition – to make rise, surge, swell, or the like S – As the New Year’s Eve bonfire was lit in celebration, smoke billowed off of the burning wood into the dark, beautiful, star- shining night. Synonyms: to surge; bulge; puff up; rise up; swell

9 perdition POS: noun Definition – a state of final spiritual ruin S – When the favorite football team lost the Super Bowl in their home town, everyone who rooted for them was in perdition. Synonyms: condemnation, ruin; suffering; punishment

10 a dearth of POS: noun Definition – an inadequate supply; scarcity S – Many people have a dearth of food for the holidays and when it is winter, so our school has collected canned food to help the families in need. Synonyms: insufficiency; famine; lack

11 stentorian POS: adj. Definition – very loud or powerful in sound S – Mrs. Williams has a stentorian sneeze; she has been told that she can be heard far away when sneezing. Synonyms: blaring; loud; booming sound

12 bellowed POS: verb Definition – to emit a hollow, loud, cry; to roar or utter in a loud deep voice S – As the little calf was separated from her mother, she bellowed as she crossed the field to catch up to her mother at the barn. Synonyms: holler; call; shout

13 garbed POS: verb Definition – to be dressed S – The man was garbed in a red shirt to honor his mother because it was her favorite color. Synonyms: fit with clothes; apparel; cover; attire; clad; clothe

14 foreboding POS: adj. Definition – that forebodes (to foretell or predict; be an omen of; indicate beforehand; portend), especially evil. S – As the dark, foreboding clouds came closer and closer, it was evident that we were able to get the rain that we had been waiting for. Synonyms: bad omen; dread; warning

15 ubiquitous POS: adj. Definition – existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time S – During the spring time, it seems as though the clovers are ubiquitous. Synonyms: everywhere; ever-present; omnipresent

16 loomed POS: verb Definition – appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening S – The dark dismal rain clouds loomed over the horse show. If it were to rain, the show would be cancelled. Synonyms: emerge, appear, come into view, take shape, materialize, reveal itself, hang over

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