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Neelam Patel Brian Reyes David Wade ????? Mystery Member ????? STATUS UPDATE TEAM ALPHA.

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Presentation on theme: "Neelam Patel Brian Reyes David Wade ????? Mystery Member ????? STATUS UPDATE TEAM ALPHA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neelam Patel Brian Reyes David Wade ????? Mystery Member ????? STATUS UPDATE TEAM ALPHA

2  Problem Statement  Project Scope  Final Solution  How Things Stand  Potential Barriers  Conclusion TABLE OF CONTENTS

3 The Team America Rocketry Challenge requires us to design, build, and fly a rocket that can carry an egg at least 750 feet into the air within the duration of 40 to 45 seconds and land it safely using a specifically sized parachute. PROBLEM STATEMENT

4  Adhere to TARC guidelines  750 Feet Launch  Airborne for 40-45 seconds  Safe Landing  Rocket Weighs max 1000g  Powered by motors with ≥ 62.5g of propellant each (No more than 125g combined)  Parachute (15 in diameter) sole recovery device  Egg weight between 57-63g (45 mm diameter) PROJECT SCOPE

5  Competition date: May 14 th  Duration of project: 100+ hours  Resources  Calculus Textbook  Internet  Mrs. Brandner  Mr. Pritchard PROJECT SCOPE

6  Approximate Budget: $500  Entrance Fee: $105  Useable Stores:  Online Web Stores  Hobby Lobby  Michael’s  Deliverables  Technical report  Engineering Notebook  PowerPoint  Prototype PROJECT SCOPE


8 FINAL SOLUTION (EGG CAPSULE) Foam Nose Cone Balsa Donut Padding Egg Body Tube

9  Completion of Design Proposal  Purchased most of materials  Start of Construction Phase  Payload Section (Egg & Altimeter)  First qualification flight by 3/1 HOW THINGS STAND

10  Keeping altimeter secure  Meeting TARC guidelines  Launch Height  Flight Duration  Keeping egg safe during landing  Parachute deploying  Deadlines  Senioritis  Other Homework POTENTIAL BARRIERS

11  Constructing a rocket for TARC  Must follow TARC guidelines  In process of constructing rocket  Completed payload section  Next: Engine mount/Fins  Organizing first testing date CONCLUSION

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