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Creating a unique American style. 1.Goal: know yourself, experience harmony in nature 2.Must overcome: reason, conformity, evils of society 3.Bring humanity.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a unique American style. 1.Goal: know yourself, experience harmony in nature 2.Must overcome: reason, conformity, evils of society 3.Bring humanity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a unique American style

2 1.Goal: know yourself, experience harmony in nature 2.Must overcome: reason, conformity, evils of society 3.Bring humanity to higher state


4 Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.

5 1. Nationalistic Americans wanted to read works of American authors about American themes 2. Significant names: a. Washington Irving b. James Fenimore Cooper c. Nathaniel Hawthorne d. Herman Melville

6 1. Portrayed the everyday life of ordinary Americans: voting, domestic chores, riding the riverboat, etc. 2. Heroic beauty of the American landscape a. Most famous: the Hudson River School






12 Women’s Rights


14 a. Cult of domesticity: spreading women’s moral influence from inside the home to society as a whole b. 2 nd Great Awakening: some women used new religious authority to increase influence outside the home c. Involvement in reform movements outside the home: a. Social institutions: almshouses, asylums (Dorothea Dix), hospitals, and jails b. Public education

15 a. Abolitionist lecturers b. Angelina and Sarah Grimke claim equal civil rights for women c. Harriet Beecher Stowe & Uncle Tom’s Cabin i. Degradation of slave women

16 1. Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Lucretia Mott organized a gathering in Seneca Falls, NY 2. Goal: outline a coherent statement of women’s equality 3. Declaration of Sentiments

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