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Create Your Own Business Owner/Partners/ Board members “Business Slogan/ Tagline”

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Presentation on theme: "Create Your Own Business Owner/Partners/ Board members “Business Slogan/ Tagline”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create Your Own Business Owner/Partners/ Board members “Business Slogan/ Tagline”

2 [What is your business?] [What will you sell?] [Target Market] – [Who is going to buy] – [Where will you sell it] [Why is there a demand for your product or service?] [Why is your product or service better than the rest (be brief)]

3 Business Organization [What type of business are you?] [Who are you in business with?] [Who are you? (your experience and ability to run this business)]

4 Location [Where will your business be located?] [Why will this help your business target your market?] [Is you business dependent on location?] [Where are you competitors?] – [Can you create a geographic monopoly?]

5 The Competition [Who else is in the market?] [Are there any direct competitors? (businesses that are selling essentially the same product)] [Are there any indirect competitors? (businesses that are selling a product or service that meets the same need in the market) [What is the competitions target market?] [How is your business going to compete? (better product? lower price? new idea?)]

6 Marketing Plan [How will you generate demand?] – [Why are you better than the competition? What advantage do you have?] [How will people learn about your product or service?] – [where will you advertise to reach your target market] [How will you draw in business?] – [Deals/Promotions/ Grand Opening]

7 Labor and Benefits [How many?] [Full or part time? Why?] [What kind of benefits will you offer] – [discounts? Health? Vacation time?] [Social Responsibility? (how will your business help take care of employees and the great economy]

8 Business Metrics [How will you measure success?] – [Annual income? # of employees? Quantity sold?] – [Short-Term Goals:?] – [Long-Term Goals:?] [Obstacles/Challenges/Open questions #1] – [Proposed solution] [Obstacles/Challenges/Open questions #2] – [Proposed solution]

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