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By Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE,

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Presentation on theme: "By Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE,"— Presentation transcript:

1 by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA Lifelong learning and study circles as a connector and stimulator of sustainable rural development

2 Holistic view of LL: renewing knowledge and understanding (learning to know*) up- and re-skilling for employment (learning to do*) empowerment of each individual (learning to be*) inclusiveness and active citizenship (learning to live together*) equally relevant for citizens at any age and in all walks of life! * the four pillars of learning by Delors et al. (1996, EL LL) Learning: The treasure within SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

3 Policy background: Europe 2020 : smart, sustainable, inclusive growth Education and Training 2020 : lifelong learning (LL) and mobility quality and efficiency equity, social cohesion and active citizenship creativity and innovation European Agenda on Adult Learning (the weakest link of LL?) attractive accessible effective adult learning and education (ALE) SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

4 Strong public commitment and sustainable financing The case of Slovenia: multifaceted system of governance Adult Education Act (status of ALE) Adult Education Master Plan (priorities) general, non-formal education and learning formal education work-related adult education and training Annual Programme (goals, activities and funds) Lifelong Learning Strategy (2007) SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

5 Slovenian ALE practice – some relevant aspects/examples: Centrality of the learner Networking and partnerships (vertical, horizontal) LL guidance (continuous, inclusive – to expand access) Basic skills and various forms of literacy (foundation for LL) Recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning (flexibility) Professional development of staff (high quality) Non-formal ALE – e.g. study circles (flexibility and adaptability) SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

6 Slovenian study circles non-formal, general adult learning – free of charge, 5-12 people, meeting from 5-10 times, learning together for at least 25 hours (usually 35), motivated participants, SC mentor, mutual learning, learning and action goal – defined by the members, strong relations with the local environment, special emphasis on educationally deprived groups, SIAE‘s role: conceptualisation, coordination, training of mentors, monitoring and evaluation SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

7 Awareness raising and lobbying Lifelong Learning Week Awards for outstanding achievements in LL – the example of Alojz Lipnik, mayor of the Municipality of Solčava ( ) Role models attract campaign The voice of learners – self-advocacy International cooperation (Grundtvig Learning Partnership – Sowing the Learning Seeds; ) SMART: Sustainable villages and education SMART MEETING 17. – 20. OCTOBER 2012, RADEČE, SLOVENIA by Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

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