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Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit For 2 Normal Technical 20 February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit For 2 Normal Technical 20 February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit For 2 Normal Technical 20 February 2016

2 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Agenda 1. HOD’s Address 2. Key considerations for Sec 2 streaming 3. Interaction with form teachers

3 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit What are the various Post-Secondary School options available?

4 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit General Overview Students may wish to enter the Working World at any point on this Education Map ITE’s Technical Diploma Nitec Higher Nitec Polytechnic Diploma GCE N(T)-Levels GCE N(A)-Levels

5 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit 5 The Straits Times, 26 Feb 2015 ITE, poly grads get a chance to learn, earn and work New initiative to match them with companies also offers a $5,000 bonus

6 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit 6

7 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Consider the 3‘P’s when selecting a course of study P ersonal Characteristics 1.How does the course of study play up to your strengths, interests, learning styles and passion? 2.Will the course you have selected help you to achieve your career aspirations? 3.Which type of learning environment (eg. applied learning) will be more suited for your learning style, strengths? Be open to explore the many pathways available

8 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit P racticalities 1.What are the academic and non-academic entry requirements of the school/course you are applying for? 2.Does your aggregate score meet the minimum entry requirement for your desired course? P rogression Opportunities 1.What will your qualification allow you to do after graduation? 2.What further education opportunities are available? 3.What is the industry outlook for the course of your choice? Consider the 3‘P’s when selecting a course of study

9 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

10 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Preparing you for a fulfilling career Numerous partnerships with key industry players Courses that meet economic demands

11 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Institute of Technical Education (ITE) For students with an aptitude for hands- on learning National ITE Certification ( Nitec ) Higher National ITE Certification ( Higher Nitec )

12 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit

13 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Note that there are certain courses in ITE require Science and/or Mathematics at the N-levels

14 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Four categories of NITEC (National ITE Certificate) courses 14 Business and Services Nitec Cat A Technical Nitec Cat S Technical Nitec Cat B Technical Nitec Pass in EL Sci Pass in MA or Sci Sci Pass MA and Sci Complete NT course Sci ( Sci background knowledge needed) Pass 2 other subjects Pass 1 other subject Examples: Beauty Therapy Service Skills (Office) Service Skills (Retail) Service Skills (Tourism) Community Care and Social Services F&B Operations Hair Services Pastry and Baking Fitness Training Examples: Aerospace Technology Electrical Technology Multi-media Technology Electronics (Computer and Networking) Electronics (Instrumentation) Electronics (Mobile Devices) Space Design ICT Interactive Media Design Examples: Applied Science Chemical Process Technology (Biologics) CPT (Pharmaceuticals) CPT (Petrochemicals) CPT (Process Instrumentation) *Nursing requires pass in EL, MA and Sc Examples: Automotive Technology Facility Technology Mechatronics Security Technology Digital Animation ITE Courses overview

15 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit

16 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Academic targets EMB29 points English, Math, 2 other subjects (Include Science for wider options) Minimum B for 4 subjects

17 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Other requirements CCAInterview skills Aim to score a distinction Develop your ability to communicate in English well

18 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit

19 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Streaming Considerations - Guiding Principles Before considering and selecting the subjects for Secondary 3 education, the following factors are noteworthy: a)Understanding future post secondary options b)Realistic expectation of your child’s ability to cope with demands of the subjects selected c)Consider child’s needs/preferences/interests

20 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Basis of Streaming Merit Stipulated criteria Students’ option Professional discretion of the school

21 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit What must we do now? Streaming is based on results. Your overall results matter & note how overall % is calculated: Common test 1 : 15% Mid-Year Exam : 35 % Final Exam : 50%

22 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit 2016 SECONDARY 3 NORMAL TECHNICAL Combination Subjects ART / D&T / EBS Common Subjects Science Computer Applications English Language Mother Tongue Mathematics Mayflower Secondary School Total number of GCE N Level subjects = 6

23 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Information on elective subjects Please refer to the handouts given Elements of Business Skills Art Design and Technology

24 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Schedule of events (Tentative)

25 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Tips

26 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Tips for parents Preparation for Sec 2-level examinations Regular attendance in school Regular attendance at remedial or supplementary programmes Physical well-being Adequate rest Peak performance and alertness at the right time Nutrition and supplements

27 C2HAMPS Parents Guide

28 C2HAMPS Mobile Apps Search for C2HAMPS on Apple’s App Store or Google Play iOS App 6075?mt=8 Android App elchemi.c2hamps&hl=en

29 Configure the app When the app is first launched after being installed, you may be prompted if you wish to receive notifications. Please select OK to allow the app to receive notifications from the school. You will first need to search for your child’s school. Type in the first few letters of your school name and tap on the search button on your on-screen keyboard Select your school name from the list of results. This will save your school name in the app’s settings.

30 Logging On Type in your user ID and password which is provided by the school and tap on the “Login” button Userid is with a ‘P’ appended in front of your child’s birth cert/NRIC no. i.e. ‘PTXXXXXXXA’ Default password is ‘Passw0rd’. You will be prompted to change your password at the 1 st log-on Subsequently, if you had forgotten your password, your can do a self-reset and the new password will be sent to your email account Note: if you had chosen the wrong school in the previous step, you can tap on the “Cancel” button to go back and re-select your school

31 Menu To access a module within C2HAMPS, simply tap on the name of the module you wish to access.

32 View Notifications When the school sends a message to you, you will receive a notification on your device. As the notification message may not be displayed in full, you would need to log on to the app to view the full message Tap on the message in the message list to view the whole message Envelope icon indicates new unread message Tap close to close the message box Tap delete to remove the message from your list of messages

33 CCA Attendance You can view your child’s CCA attendance records for the year If your child is in more than 1 CCA, you can choose which CCA attendance records to view List of CCAs Only shown if your child is taking more than 1 CCA Tap on CCA name to view attendance records Tap to go back to select another CCA CCA Attendance Summary

34 My Child’s Calendar You can view your child’s school schedule including school events, homework information and CCA schedules Switch the view of the calendar Tap on down arrow to expand and choose calendars Tap on event item to view pop up of event details

35 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit

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