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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 18 TECHNOLOGY ADVANCEMENTS IN THE WORKPLACE."— Presentation transcript:


2 UTILIZING TECHNOLOY Differences between data and information DATA – is raw, unanalyzed facts and figures INFORMATION – is data that is organized into a useful format –A list of a bunch of telephone numbers wouldn ’ t mean anything without the names of people they go with

3 ¾ of workers work with information on a daily basis –The rest make decisions based on that information Important technology advancements –Computers – in almost all devices –Telephones – cordless/cell/fax –Wireless technology – more flexibility –Wearable computers – on the spot data THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

4 CHANGES IN THE WORKPLACE Telecommuting – being able to work from a different location Wearable computer – instant data Technology in Manufacturing - designing Expert systems – analyzing Electronic Information Transfer – ATM Virtual Training – computer models

5 TELECOMMUTING 22% of people telecommute Work from somewhere other than the office Stay in touch via computer/phone Less supervision and better work (yay!) More flexibility and less commute time (yay!) Lack of contact and more costs (bad) Isolation and distractions at home (bad)

6 WEARABLE COMPUTERS Allow users to instantly put data into machine Can understand speech Very versatile SIRI and I-Watch

7 TECH. IN MANUFACTURING Computer Aided Drafting allows for designing products with a computer –Saves time and money Modify design plans with the computer Manufacturing is almost all automated Robots and computer controlled machines work

8 EXPERT SYSTEMS Analyzes data based on human experts knowledge Checks for problems in cars, medical fields, airports, games, credit cards Store information in huge databases Quickly make decisions based on information

9 ELECTRONIC INFORMATION TRANSFER Uses wireless technology, internet, e-mail Get paychecks, transfer money, transmit data to offices elsewhere (even overseas) ATM uses all this information. Running your credit card at the store does too. Transfer information quicker, safer, cheaper Do work from home

10 VIRTUAL TRAINING Simulate real life situations but on computers –Police practice dangerous situations –Airplane pilots practice flying –Race car drivers practice racing –School experiments are safe

11 VIRTUAL TRAINING Virtual Reality – used to be for gaming, now used for real life simulations –Use data glove to input data –Wear helmet with 3-D effects for real life situations –Computer controls program based on your inputs

12 SHARING BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE Businesses must know which information is useful and what should be ignored Business can now communicate immediately with vendors, suppliers, and customers

13 THE INTERNET Helps businesses establish and keep relationships with customers Is not owned by anyone or any country Internet Society (ISOC) in Reston, VA attempts to lead the future of the internet World Wide Web is PART of the internet Internet is large library of data, Web is user friendly way to access, organize, and move through data

14 WEB BROWSER Computer program that makes it easy for you to access information on the Internet –Netscape Navigator –Internet Explorer (Microsoft) –Mozilla Firefox Inclusion of design, graphics, and sound makes surfing the web more enjoyable.

15 OTHER NETWORKS Intranet – Uses internet look, but only allows access to certain files. –Can only be accessed from within the company –No public access –Keep company records for all to see, but safe from outsiders

16 OTHER NETWORKS Extranet – Similar to intranet, in that it restricts access. Semi-private – allows several related businesses to access data together, but still kept from public –Target sells products, data is immediately made available to the supplier, the home office, and the store ’ s files

17 MANAGING THREATS Danger is everywhere you use technology Hackers will try to steal your data Hacker is someone who breaks into your system to steal or destroy data

18 PRIVACY ISSUES Personal information can be tracked Cookies are stored on your computer and accessed by every site you visit –Many sites will not allow you to open the page if you do not allow cookies Buy software to protect yourself –Nothing is 100% safe

19 PROTECT YOURSELF Protect e-mail – software will destroy your e-mail so it is not sitting around –Will also encrypt data – this is scrambling the data and hiding it in other data to make it hard to recognize Secure Site – a site that uses all the protections possible to keep your data safe

20 PROTECT YOURSELF Virus – A computer program that copies itself into a file. –Can be harmless (and just annoying) –Can do damage by deleting files Protect with anti-virus software that destroys viruses on your computer and protects from new ones –New viruses always created, so update protection often

21 PROTECT YOURSELF Firewall – software that acts as protective wall between your computer and the internet. –Protects your data you put on the internet –Attempts to prevent hackers from accessing your computer.


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