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Frank Rowe John Gaetano Chuck Figiel.  CryptoViz implements and visualizes the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.  DES was used by the government.

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Presentation on theme: "Frank Rowe John Gaetano Chuck Figiel.  CryptoViz implements and visualizes the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.  DES was used by the government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frank Rowe John Gaetano Chuck Figiel

2  CryptoViz implements and visualizes the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.  DES was used by the government and industry from 1976-1999, but is now considered insecure.  Client: Dr. Don Spickler from the Math & Computer Science Department at Salisbury University.

3 Full implementation of DES algorithm in Java.

4  CryptoViz contains the following features:  A full implementation of the DES algorithm in Java.  A user interface for quickly encrypting and decrypting data using DES.  A visualization of the key generation algorithm used by DES. Visualization was made using Java Swing and 2D Graphics.  A detailed interactive diagram of the algorithm's structure,

5  Google code is a hosting site for open source applications.  All code is freely available and downloadable.  Subversion, a version control system.  Allows developers to maintain current and past versions of code across multiple environments.  All code changes (diffs) along with comments are visible.  We primarily used the Windows client TortoiseSVN and the linux command line client “svn” to update and commit our code changes.   Source:  Downloads:  Changes:

6  We primarily used simple text editors in Linux and Windows environments.  Began to use Netbeans IDE about halfway through the project.  GUI creation is easier/better.  Speeds up development through code completion and automation of other repetitive tasks.

7 ……….……main class. ……………………..DES implementation ….Visualization algorithm ……………..Key Generation ……………..Encryption & Decryption …………………..Custom BitSet extension ………..Used for converting string to BitList, vice versa …………………….Used for visualization ………….Hand drawn Fiestel Structure including encryption and decryption. ……………Used in EncryptPanel to visualize each round

8  John write stuff here a core structure used in many cryptography algorithms, including: DES Triple DES Blowfish Twofish Lucifer

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