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Student Planner Place this in the proper place October 12, 2015 Measuring Lab write up due Tuesday, crystal model due Wednesday. END OF PLANNER.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Planner Place this in the proper place October 12, 2015 Measuring Lab write up due Tuesday, crystal model due Wednesday. END OF PLANNER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Planner Place this in the proper place October 12, 2015 Measuring Lab write up due Tuesday, crystal model due Wednesday. END OF PLANNER

2 2 End of planner Leave it out - will stamp and grade planners today.

3 2

4 2 Period 1 – no food, drink, candy, gum, etc in class till 10-19.

5 4 Summary of last class We had a standard opening, and a shortened class. We graded planners, and made flash cards of new vocabulary words.

6 5 Write your answer to last class’s Essential Question: What are the transitions of matter?

7 Topic/Objective:Name: States of Matter Class/Period: Date: Oct 12 Essential Question: How is a liquid different from a solid?


9 1. A solid has energy added and becomes a liquid. What is the transition it goes through? a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

10 2. A bolt of electricity from a thunder cloud causes air to become plasma. The transition to plasma is: a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

11 3. Air moisture becomes dew on the grass when this transition occurs. a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

12 4. Carbon Dioxide solid will do this in becoming a gas: a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

13 Answers

14 1. A solid has energy added and becomes a liquid. What is the transition it goes through? a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

15 1. A solid has energy added and becomes a liquid. What is the transition it goes through? a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

16 2. A bolt of electricity from a thunder cloud causes air to become plasma. The transition to plasma is: a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

17 2. A bolt of electricity from a thunder cloud causes air to become plasma. The transition to plasma is: a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

18 3. Air moisture becomes dew on the grass when this transition occurs. a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

19 3. Air moisture becomes dew on the grass when this transition occurs. a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

20 4. Carbon Dioxide solid will do this in becoming a gas: a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

21 4. Carbon Dioxide solid will do this in becoming a gas: a) ionization; b) freezing; c) melting; d) vaporizing; e) sublimating; f) deposition; g) condensation; h) deionization

22 Homework Measuring Lab due Tuesday. Crystal model due Wednesday. (Labs this week for 100% safety tests.)

23 Today’s Work Finish vocabulary words/flash cards States of Matter notes Quick lab

24 26 New Vocabulary 1. Melting 2. Freezing 3. vaporization 4. Condensation 5. Sublimation 6. Deposition 7. Ionization 8. Deionization

25 27 New Vocabulary 1. Melting - The transition of matter from Solid to liquid 2. Freezing - The transition of matter from liquid to solid 3. vaporization - The transition of matter from liquid to gas

26 28 4. Condensation - The transition of matter from gas to liquid 5. Sublimation - The transition of matter from solid to gas 6. Deposition - The transition of matter from gas to solid

27 29 7. Ionization - The transition of matter from gas to plasma 8. Deionization - The transition of matter from plasma to gas 9. evaporation - Vaporization from the surface of the liquid only 10. boiling - Vaporization through the column of liquid.

28 States of Matter posters











39 Tomorrow – bring color pencils and drawing tools if possible. You will be drawing and coloring a poster using the previous posters as examples. Many of them do not show all stages of matter, and will need to be improved in your poster.

40 States of Matter Questions: Standard 3: structure of matter I. All consists of tiny particles called atoms that are always in motion and bumping into each other. A.-definite shape and volume Properties: 1.vibrate 2. very little space between particles 3. Strong attraction because they are close. Solid matter

41 States of Matter Questions: Standard 3: structure of matter B. -has no definite shape but has volume Properties: 1. slide past each other 2. more movement 3. more space than a solid 4. Loosely connected Liquid

42 42 Quick Lab Instructions Using the various containers, measure out water, and switch from one container to another. Return the water to the graduated cylinder and re read the volume. Make conclusions about liquids.

43 121 53 States of Matter Questions: EQ: What is the difference in the movement of atoms in a solid, liquid and gas? Standard 3: structure of matter C. change shape and volume Properties: 1. a lot of movement because of more space 2. bounce off each other 3. very weak attraction 4. free to move independently Note: There is water vapor around the clouds. Clouds are tiny droplets of water (Liquid). Gas

44 121 53 States of Matter Questions: EQ: What is the difference in the movement of atoms in a solid, liquid and gas? Standard 3: structure of matter 4. - no definite shape or volume Properties: 1. charged particles ( ions) 2. conducts electricity 3. Similar to a gas but has free electrons 4. Found in stars Plasma

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