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Colonial America Daniel Quintana EME 2040 Th 6:25-9:05 Grade 3-5 Sunshine State Standard Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial America Daniel Quintana EME 2040 Th 6:25-9:05 Grade 3-5 Sunshine State Standard Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial America Daniel Quintana EME 2040 Th 6:25-9:05 Grade 3-5 Sunshine State Standard Quiz

2 Sunshine State Standard  Standard 4:  The student understands U.S. history to 1880.  (SS.A.4.2)  1. understands the geographic, economic, political,  and cultural factors that characterized early  exploration of the Americas.  2. understands why Colonial America was settled in  regions.  3. knows significant social and political events that  led to and characterized the American Revolution.  4. knows significant historical documents and the  principal ideas expressed in them (e.g., Declaration  of Independence, the United States Constitution,  and the Bill of Rights).

3  The Thirteen Colonies were created by people that were looked down upon in Britain or for trade and profit  The first and oldest colony being Virginia  Virginia was actually first thought to have gold! But there was nothing except plants and vegetables.

4  The first settlement in all of the Thirteen Colonies was actually in Virginia! Which was Jamestown  Virginia also housed four of our presidents of the time  Life would become difficult soon enough due to the British ruler

5  The Stamp Act would bring about making the colonists buy stamps for items  The Tea Act of 1773, which cancelled taxes on the East India Trading Company, would then bring a crucial event:  The Boston Tea Party, where colonists boarded the boat and threw all the tea boxes into the ocean

6  After the Boston tea party, Britain was mad and put the Intolerable Acts  The Intolerable Acts would allow British troops to live in any home and government was completely taken over by Britain  This would get the colonists angry enough to want to separate from Great Britain

7  The Declaration of Independence was written between June 11-28, 1776  It was written by Thomas Jefferson  The Declaration of Independence told the British ruler that Americans were upset at how they acted and how the Americans wanted to be seperate

8  56 government officials signed the Declaration of Independence  The first, largest and most famous signer was John Hancock  The reason for this was because he wanted the British King to see it first!

9  The signers would meet at Jacob Graff’s home, which became the Declaration House  There all 56 officials signed the document and became the fathers of the United States  The document was signed on July 4, 1776

10  The Declaration of Independence could now be found in the National Archives in Washington, D.C  Unlike in the movie “National Treasure”, there are no hidden messages on the back  On the back, “Original Declaration of Independence / dated 4 th July 1776” is written

11  George Washington was born on February 22, 1732  He was born in his fathers plantation in Westmoreland County, Virginia  Between 1759-1775 he was a gentleman farmer in his Mount Vernon plantation

12  After being elected into the House of Burgesses in 1758, he grew close to the concerns of the colonists  Impressing many officials, he was chosen to be 1 of the 7 Virginia representatives to the Continental Congress

13  George Washington would take the task of being the commander in chief of the Continental Army  With little preparation and little knowledge of warfare, he fought alongside with soldiers for freedom

14  George Washington would eventually have the strength and power to defeat the British soldiers  Gaining much power and trust, he became the very first President of the United States

15  The American Revolutionary War began in the year 1775 and ended in 1783  The Continental Army would be in charge of defending the American people from the Red Coats, which were British soldiers  The first battle starting the war being the Battle of Bunker Hill Information on Revolutionary War

16  Trying to create a governmental system, for the time being they created the Articles of Confederation  Most of the soldiers fighting for freedom were actually just farmers or minutemen  Minutemen were people that were called to defend country at any minute of the day!

17  The American soldiers would face much difficulty due to the lack of supplies  Many soldiers actually had no shoes or clean clothing  Due to this, many soldiers would actually die from infection or disease

18  Getting the upper hand in Yorktown, the American soldiers defeated the British Red Coats  General Cornwallis, who was the British General, was forced to surrender and would end the war  Resulting in the great Unites States of America!

19 QUIZ  1. Which colony was the first to be settled?  A. Massachusetts Massachusetts  B. Georgia Georgia  C. Florida Florida  D. Virginia Virginia

20 QUIZ  2. Which act would anger the colonists the most?  A. Intolerable Acts Intolerable ActsIntolerable Acts  B. Stamp Act Stamp ActStamp Act  C. Mad Act Mad ActMad Act  D. Paper Act Paper ActPaper Act

21 QUIZ  3. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?  A. George Washington George WashingtonGeorge Washington  B. Thomas Jefferson Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson  C. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin  D. Thiru Thiru

22 QUIZ  4. Who’s signature was the first and largest on the Declaration of Independence?  A. John Adams John AdamsJohn Adams  B. Adriana Diaz Adriana DiazAdriana Diaz  C. John Hancock John HancockJohn Hancock  D. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin

23 QUIZ  4. Who was the commander in chief of the Continental Army?  A. John Adams John AdamsJohn Adams  B. George Washington George WashingtonGeorge Washington  C. John Hancock John HancockJohn Hancock  D. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin

24 QUIZ  4. Which colony was George Washington born in?  A. Georgia Georgia  B. North Carolina North CarolinaNorth Carolina  C. Virginia Virginia  D. New York New YorkNew York

25 QUIZ  4. Which was the first battle during the American Revolutionary War?  A. Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Bunker HillBattle of Bunker Hill  B. Battle at Saratoga Battle at SaratogaBattle at Saratoga  C. Battle at Lexington Battle at LexingtonBattle at Lexington  D. Battle one Battle oneBattle one

26 QUIZ  4. Who was the British general?  A. General George Washington General George WashingtonGeneral George Washington  B. General Cornwallis General CornwallisGeneral Cornwallis  C. General Lee General LeeGeneral Lee  D. General Sanders General SandersGeneral Sanders

27 Quiz Done!!

28 Wrong Answer Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8

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