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You are almost there!!!!. A look at EEA 545 Shape of the day Shape of the course.

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Presentation on theme: "You are almost there!!!!. A look at EEA 545 Shape of the day Shape of the course."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are almost there!!!!

2 A look at EEA 545 Shape of the day Shape of the course

3  A look at the course and assignments  Lens  A look back; Tool Box  Survey and Change Exercise  5 TED Talks

4 Change Management with Global Perspectives

5 In this course, learners:  Review the Master’s Program; Create a leaders’ toolbox  Apply the principles of change management  Study successful school systems and their change initiatives  Practice the process of inquiry, strategic planning

6  This course prepares candidates to become facilitators of change management through continuous school improvement. Candidates study and experience practical strategies for managing change processes associated with continuous school improvement including assessing and analyzing student achievement data, creating collaborative school cultures, and designing change initiative action plans. Candidates build a School Leader’s Toolbox equipped with research-based strategies referenced to the Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools.


8  Toolbox Compilation15%  TEDx EdTALK + “Best Find” 25%  Featured School Systems (group)15%  Beliefs Assignment15%  Final Reflection15%  In class participation, assignments15%

9  You will revisit your journey with your cohort  You will do a presentation to the class.  Together we will build your toolbox

10  Each person will have 15 minutes to set up, deliver their TEDxEd Talk and their “Best Find” and to field questions.

11 TEDx Ed Presentation Evaluation Evidence of:  Adherence to time (8 minutes):  Fluency of delivery:  Effective presentation style:  Audience appeal:  Best “find” shared:

12 School Systems A Global Perspective – 15%  Group project  In class – next day  We will build criteria

13 An individual statement of beliefs A “one pager”which articulately tells your beliefs (Could become part of your interview/ resume package.) *This will be handed in by each person

14  A one page document with “bullets”  I believe:  Grammar, spelling, parallel flow (very important)

15  I believe that each student I meet is worthy of my time. I know that every child possesses unique talents ready to be discovered and that I can learn something new from every student I work with.  I believe that academics are the first priority of any school and that having high expectations for students leads to success.

16  A leader is transparent in her actions and she exemplifies honesty and integrity in her deeds.  A leader understands and believes in the vision and direction of the organization.  A leader sets goals for her work with the whole system in mind.  A leader welcomes accountability for her actions and expects accountability in others.  And, above all, a leader in education puts children first and at the center of every decision that is made.

17  Good flow of ideas – parallel phrases or sentences /5  Evidence of thought and individuality /5  Evidence of your professional identity /5 Belief Statement Criteria

18 You will be given a specific format to use. You will use your first journal entry and any material you have collected in your course work. “Due Date” will be the end of class

19  Evidence of growth in a variety of areas  Succinct and well written in a prescribed time  Paper reflects the main learning outcomes of the Master’s program  15% of grade

20 Any questions????? And so we begin the beginning of the end!!!!

21 Change  What is it?  How do we cope?  Lens…What is a school / personal change you have faced since this program began?  How has it affected you?

22 og


24 As for education….  Geoffrey Canada  _id=annotation_526406&feature= _id=annotation_526406&feature  What CHANGE would you make now that you have had 2 years to think about it?  Whole system reform – Michael Fullan  os/617911363600/?fref=nf os/617911363600/?fref=nf

25 A chance to reflect, make connections, celebrate the learning!

26 A look at each course:  What did you learn?  What were the main outcomes?  What “tools” did you take away?  What “quotes, readings, activities resonated with you? **What questions do you still have?

27 TOOL BOX  What did your $$$$$$ buy you?  Are you satisfied with your purchase?  What, if anything was missed?  Are you prepared to be a leader?

28 Toolbox Presentation  You will give an oral summary of both courses to your cohort, including:  The main outcomes learned (intended and learned)  The quotes, readings, activities and learnings that resonated with you  What TOOLS are you taking away as a leader? What can you add to your leader’s toolbox?  What questions do you still have in this area?

29 A collective Summary Create 2 Ppt. Slides (or other?) listing the leadership TOOLS gained These slides will become a full summary of your Master’s work.

30 Courses  509 / 535 Leadership – self and school   510 / 534 Tech tools and Tech in schools   532 / 539 Curriculum and Supervision   513 / 536 Ethics, Law, Finance, Operations   516 / 514 Family Systems / Counseling   511 / 538 Human resources / Research methods / Internships (3)

31 TEDx Ed Presentation Evaluation Evidence of:  Adherence to time (8 minutes):  Fluency of delivery:  Effective presentation style:  Audience appeal:  Best “find” shared:

32  Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools Dr. Terry Bergeson

33  Lots of $$ spent on research in the US.  Some of this is very good. Based out of Washington State.  Improvements shown  You will examine your workplace

34  Do the survey from “9 Characteristics”  Decide which area you would focus on if you were to be principal next year.  Research that area (read about it in the document. Look up other sources)  In 1 hour be prepared to talk briefly about it with your cohort.

35  A look back; How have you grown?

36 17 Dimensions

37  If you could write one article that EVERYONE would read….what would that article be?

38 Classic Education Leadership  Pick a magazine  Page through and read anything that catches you interest Please find;  One thing that has CHANGED in schools and  One thing that has stayed the same.

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