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The Way Forward: the Airport View Jeffrey W. Hamiel Executive Director Minneapolis/ St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission and Chairman, ACI - North.

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Presentation on theme: "The Way Forward: the Airport View Jeffrey W. Hamiel Executive Director Minneapolis/ St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission and Chairman, ACI - North."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Way Forward: the Airport View Jeffrey W. Hamiel Executive Director Minneapolis/ St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission and Chairman, ACI - North America

2 World Growth In 2000 - MSP had 36,751,632 Passengers In 2000 - MSP had 523,146 Operations Project very strong growth In 2010 –MSP = 40,000,000 –U.S. = 1,000,000,000 –World = 2,500,000,000 Severe noise problems limit development worldwide

3 U.S. Passenger Growth

4 Delays Getting Worse

5 Continuing Controversy Limits Airport Development Extensive Master Plans, public inquiries and environmental reviews required. Can take decades to obtain approvals. Not just in North America Throughout the world

6 Airport Restrictions are Increasing

7 Noise is Still the Primary Problem Limiting Airport Development Despite Population Reductions

8 U.S.Airport expectations in 1990 Hushkits would be used to comply with Chapter 3 - mainly by cargo carriers Higher fuel prices would drive replacement of older aircraft DC9, 727 & classic 737 would largely be replaced in passenger service

9 Reality in 2000: Real Fuel Prices Declined

10 Reality in 2000: Approximately 1100 relatively noisy aircraft remain in fleet

11 At End of U.S. Phaseout Aircraft Within 5dB of Stage 3 Accounted for 60% of Noise


13 Benefit of Replacing Noisiest Stage 3 Aircraft at MSP


15 ACI-NA Survey - 62% of airport directors find noise a serious problem ACI-NA Survey - 77% of airports in favor of early retirement of noisiest aircraft U.S. General Accounting Office report - 50 largest airports say noise is biggest concern

16 ICAO is the Proper Venue CAEP historic role recommending new certification standards Recommended new Chapter 4 standard Recommended the “Balanced Approach” –Source Noise Reduction –Operating Procedures –Land Use Planning/Zoning –Operating Restrictions Did not recommend phase-out of noisy Chapter 3

17 ACI Position at CAEP/5 Adopt new Stage 4 standard 14 dB quieter than Chapter 3 Phase out noisiest Chapter 3 aircraft –those within 5dB of Stage 3 in 5 years Interim support of operating restrictions at noise sensitive airports

18 CAEP/5 Conclusion: Phase Out Not Feasible Removal from registry Applied world wide or regionally is very expensive Affected all aircraft within target levels (8, 11 or 14 dB) Did not achieve consensus at CAEP/5

19 However, an International Solution Must be Found To reinforce the “Balanced Approach” To provide targeted relief at noise sensitive airports To resolve problems of disparate local or regional regulations To permit airport capacity development

20 ICAO Sanctioned Airport Operating Restrictions Avoids proliferation of different rules Only applied to noise-sensitive airports Affects only aircraft within 5dB No removal from registry 5 year phased reduction in operations 25 year or cycles-based life guarantee Explicitly recognize developing nations Consistent with “Balanced Approach”

21 Proliferation of Different Local Regulations is a Real Possibility Association of European Airlines: –14 of 18 large airports impose restrictions Boeing: –restrictions increasing worldwide

22 ICAO Can Help Provide Solution Internationally defined restrictions Adopted locally Part of “Balanced Approach”

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