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Web 2.0 Technologies Blogs and Twitter and Wikis, Oh My!!! What ever happened to Web 1.0, anyway? March 11, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Web 2.0 Technologies Blogs and Twitter and Wikis, Oh My!!! What ever happened to Web 1.0, anyway? March 11, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web 2.0 Technologies Blogs and Twitter and Wikis, Oh My!!! What ever happened to Web 1.0, anyway? March 11, 2009

2 Agenda (rough draft) Intros Purpose - TLC Book Video YouTube What is Web 2.0, anyway? Various Tools (think, pair, share) Break Do Diigo-ish tools Do Twitter-microblogging

3 Lunch PBWiki Skype and GoogleDocs Questions??? Where do we go from here?

4 Book Video

5 What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 encompasses a range of emerging web-based applications that are, more than anything else, about conversation. Most often listed are blogging, podcasting, and wikis along with other more specific tools such as VoiceThread. They are each about content building, but each also has the ability to discuss or converse embedded in the application. These conversations about the content are subterranean, meaning that you often do not know who the conversant is, and almost never work face to face. As a result, people participate/collaborate with each other without the baggage of position in the class, perceived biases, or other prejudices. It is empowering to the learner, because it gives voice to what they are learning. – D. Warlick, personal communication, December 21, 2007).

6 Low-Threshold Easy to learn/use and teach Reliable Accessible FREE Useful (professionally/personally) Abundant tutorials exist FREE (or incrementally inexpensive) FREE FUN

7 Social Bookmarking Sites Diigo Digg people participate/ collaborate


9 twitter

10 Think, pair, share… How can you use Twitter in your life?


12 Two down, about a bazillion to go…

13 What else is out there? Glogster – Shindler’s List Shindler’s List – Environmentalists Environmentalists VoiceThreadVoiceThread (sort of free) Think, Pair Share Concept Mapping – Concept Mapping Concept Mapping – MindMeister MindMeister Almost free ($15.00 per year) Think, Pair, Share

14 YouTube Using Digital Storytelling for educational purposesDigital Storytelling Find a great one to share.great one Diigo it to us.



17 Pick three...

18 Sources for Learning http://disruptivetechnologiesk- http://disruptivetechnologiesk-

19 What is a wiki?wiki Murder at Enigma ePortfolio Team Projects Collaborative research Choose an idea and build a wiki

20 Google Docs

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