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Integrated Care for Veterans with Diabetes & Serious Mental Illness Judith A. Long, MD Steven C. Marcus, PhD.

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1 Integrated Care for Veterans with Diabetes & Serious Mental Illness Judith A. Long, MD Steven C. Marcus, PhD

2 Patients with SMI  DM is 2-3 times more common  2-3 times higher mortality from DM and CAD  Medication adherence and glucose control is poor  Integrated care where patients receive primary and mental health care within the same site advocated  No studies looking at how integrated care affects disease specific outcomes

3 Objectives Determine if integrated care is associated with improved »DM medication adherence »Glucose control In a population of veterans with both DM and SMI served by one VA medical center

4 Integrated Medical Care at the Philadelphia VAMC  Located in the mental health clinic  1 MD, 3 NP, 1MA  Part of the mental health team, attend mental health clinic conferences and meetings  1/3 of appointment slots unscheduled to accommodate walk-ins and walk-overs

5 Population Identification Philadelphia VAMC Data (2002-2006) DM 250 ICD-9CM HbA1c 2003-2006 Hypoglycemic Rx HS500,HS501, HS502

6 Outcome Measures MPR for hypoglycemic meds during 12 months preceding the last recorded HbA1c »good adherence (MPR ≥ 80%) »marginal adherence (MPR ≥ 50%) HbA1c (lower better)

7 Main Independent Predictor SMI in Integrated Care »Schizophrenia (any 295 ICD-9CM code) or bipolar disorder (code 296.4-296.7) »At least one primary care appointment in behavior health clinic (code 531) SMI not in Integrated care No SMI

8 Population Characteristics SMI Not Integrated SMI Integrated No SMI n3852458360 Age, y ± SD59 ± 9.958 ± 8.469 ± 11.3 Sex, %949798 White,%152313 Black,%323818 Unknown,%513668 Other,%231 Insulin, %19%7%15%

9 Outcomes by Site of Care MPR≥80%MPR≥50%HbA1c SMI Not Integrated43%66%7.8±2.1 SMI Integrated51% 75%*7.5±1.9 No SMI 50%* 75%* 7.4±1.6* * Compare to Not Integrated p < 0.05

10 Adjusted Outcomes by Site of Care MPR≥80% OR (95% CI) MPR≥50% OR (95% CI) HbA1c β (p value) SMI Not Integrated1.0 -- SMI Integrated Care 1.33 (0.96-1.84) 1.52 (1.06-2.19) -0.34 (0.01) No SMI 1.02 (0.83-1.26) 1.29 (1.03-1.61) 0.11 (0.20) *Adjusting for age, sex, race

11 Limitations/Future Work Limitations  One institution  No adjustment for SMI severity  Reasons in integrated care non-random  Definition of being in integrated care generous  Cross sectional Future Work  Multiple Institutions  Primary data collection  Multiple Institutions/Qualitative work  Confirm site of primary care with PCP

12 Integrated Care  Better DM medication adherence  Better glucose control  May be an important means of improving chronic disease management and disease specific outcomes for patients with SMI

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