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Presentation on theme: " Konstanty Radziwill Stály Výbor Európskych Lekárov prezident Standing Committee of European Doctors CPME Dvadsiate výročie Slovenskéj Lekárskej."— Presentation transcript:

1 Konstanty Radziwill Stály Výbor Európskych Lekárov prezident Standing Committee of European Doctors CPME Dvadsiate výročie Slovenskéj Lekárskej Komory

2 Main aims of medical chamber To take care of proper performance of the medical profession by: setting ethical principles which bind every physician, assisting physicians in their postgraduate education and continuing professional development, taking disciplinary measures in case of malpractice, licensing and keeping the register of physicians

3 Main aims of medical chamber To represent professional interests of physicians by: negotiating working conditions, tariffs and salaries of physicians with public administration, statutory health insurance funds, health insurers and employers (→defending safety of doctors and patients), assisting physicians in their needs (insurance, pensions etc.)

4 Main aims of medical chamber To give advice on all important issues concerning health care by: giving expert opinion and cooperation with the authorities on the organization of the health care system, legal regulations, public health and medical practice, being involved in nominating people on important positions in healthcare

5 Place of medical chamber in a democratic state Medical chamber performs its social and political role as a statutory body. It has as much power as given by national parliament. To fulfill chamber’s duties in the best way it should be an organization with mandatory membership representing all physicians and be given as much independence as possible.

6 Place of medical chamber in a democratic state Chamber should be looked upon: by physicians - as their self-government, by citizens - as best guarantee for good quality of medical care, by national, regional and local authorities - as the best partner in public cooperation in the field of health care.

7 Place of medical chamber in a democratic state Giving part of state power to self- government of citizens performing the same medical profession (as those living in local communities) does not weaken the the state; on the contrary – it empowers it.

8 Vedieť veľa hláv Slovenskéj Lekárskej Komory a spolupracovať s nimi na mnoho rokov, chcem vám všetkým, Milí Priatelia, zablahoželal všetky vaše úspechy. Mene Európskeho spoločenstva lekárske želám Vám veľa ďalších úspechov. Veľmi vám ďakujem za vaše pozvanie a pozornosť!

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