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Sunday Hunting in Pennsylvania Corry Gibbs CAS 100 Spring 2013.

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1 Sunday Hunting in Pennsylvania Corry Gibbs CAS 100 Spring 2013

2 Did you know?  Most hunting is not permitted on Sundays as stated in the “blue laws” of 1682.  This put a ban on virtually everything that goes on in everyday life on Sundays.  These laws were created to encourage church attendance but now going to church is not as necessary or common among Americans.

3 Overview  Economic benefits of Sunday hunting  Job benefits of Sunday hunting  A more productive hunting season

4 Economic Benefits  In a study conducted by which is made up of a group of big name outdoor companies, they reported that $764,291,489 spent on hunting supplies would be put back into the PA economy.  The increased activity would have generated $23.2 million in tax revenue to state and local governments and $25.7 million in federal tax revenues.

5 Job Benefits  A 2010 economic impact report indicated that if Pennsylvania eliminated Sunday hunting restrictions, it would create more than 8,000 jobs paying more than $245 million in wages.  Employees would be less likely to call off of work during the week leaving the company short-handed if they knew that hunting on Sunday was an option.  Children would also be less likely to skip school for a couple extra days of hunting if this law is passed.

6 A more productive hunting season  With the extended time for hunting more hunters will find their way into the woods and be able to harvest the deer that they are after.  PA is one of the biggest whitetail deer hunting states in America, many residents in nearby states would like to travel to PA to hunt but one day on the weekend is not worth buying a license for.  reported that 117,500 hunters would be added by the year 2016.

7 Counter-Arguments  People that work or enjoy spending time in the woods would be more at risk, But there are safety precautions such as wearing the proper amount of neon orange clothing.

8 Counter-Arguments  Hunting causes more injuries and is more dangerous than other activities. However, the injury rate for hunting is lower than that of some other forms of physical recreation, such as football and bicycling.  Sunday should be a day for rest and reverence and that is what the blue laws supported however other activities that blue laws banned have been removed.

9 Conclusion  Only 7 states ban Sunday hunting including PA  The economy of PA would greatly benefit from passing this law.  The unemployment rate of residents in PA would decrease due to the addition of one day a week.  As of 2001 there were 142,208 non resident hunters that entered PA to hunt.  Fox, coyotes, and crows are allowed to be hunted. Why cant all animals be hunted?

10 References  -war-struggles-and-opposition-facing-pennsylvanias- sunday-hunting-ban  unting_EconomicImpact.pdf  hunting-restrictions  act.pdf  ment.htm

11 Questions? 

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