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Presentation on theme: "DISCUSSION ABOUT REGISTRATION OF RM-ODP LIBRARY EXAMPLE BASED ON MFI Yuan Lin, Wang Jian, Wang Chong, Liang Peng, Feng Zaiwen."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline  Introduction to RM-ODP  RM-ODP library example registration  Enterprise viewpoint registration  Information viewpoint registration  Computational viewpoint registration

3 3 What is ODP RGPS will not cover all the aspects of information systems RGPS provides a framework for the management, discovery and sharing of service-related models.

4 4 RM-ODP Viewpoints—Support different concerns ( cited from Denise’s presentation ) Consider: These 3 represent the service Semantics

5 5 R G P

6 6

7 7 S

8 Important Definitions in RM-ODP from ISO/IEC:15414  Role  Roles are used to decompose the behavior of the community into parts that can each be performed by an enterprise object in the community  Actor  Enterprise object fulfilling the role participates in the action  Objective  Practical advantage or intended effect, expressed as preferences about future states

9 Important Definitions in RM-ODP from ISO/IEC:15414 cont.  Process  A collection of steps taking place in a prescribed manner and leading to an objective  A process identifies an abstraction of the community behavior that includes only those actions that are related to achieving some particular sub-objective within the community

10 How to register specific part of RMODP to RGPS  Enterprise Viewpoint  Information Viewpoint  Computation Viewpoint

11 Enterprise Specification Metamodel  System Concepts  Community Concepts  Policy Concepts  Accountability Concepts

12 System Concepts MFI-2: Context

13 Community Concepts MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Goal MFI-8: Interaction MFI-8: Organization MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Atomic Process/ Composite Process MFI-5: Resource

14 MFI-2MFI-8MFI-5RMODP ContextField of application Role CommunityOrganization Actor InteractionBehavior GoalObjective Process Process/Atomic Process Step ResourceArtifact/Resource

15 Policy Concepts MFI-8: Rule MFI-8: Rule

16 Accountability Concepts MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Interaction

17 MFI-8RMODP RuleRule/Policy RoleParty InteractionAction

18 Library Example - EV  Building Enterprise Specification 1. Identify community and its objectives 2. Define Behavior fulfill roles Could be processes Could be interactions between objects fulfilling roles 3. Identify Enterprise Objects in community 4. Identify policy

19 Enterprise View of the Library System MFI-8 : Organization MFI-8 : Organization MFI-8RMODPE.g. CommunityOrganizationLibrary, Academic

20 Library Community Spec MFI-8: Goal MFI-8RMODPE.g. GoalObjectiveLibrary objective

21 Process Specification MFI-5: Process MFI-5RMODPE.g. Process Borrow_Item, Add_member… MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process MFI-5: Process

22 Borrow Member Process MFI-5: Atomic Process MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Role MFI-5: Atomic Process MFI-5: Atomic Process MFI-5: Atomic Process MFI-5: Atomic Process MFI-5: Atomic Process MFI-5: Resource MFI-5: Resource MFI-5MFI-8RMODPE.g. Role Borrower, Assistant, Library System ResourceArtifactLoan Atomic ProcessStepState_loan_req, Check_req MFI-5: Composite Process

23 Roles & Behavior MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Role MFI-8: Operational Goal MFI-8RMODPE.g. Role Libraian, Assistant, Assistant, … Operational Goal BehaviorCreate Member, Refuse new member, …

24 Interaction behavior MFI-8RMODPE.g. Interaction Process Loan

25 Enterprise Object MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Actor MFI-8: Actor MFIRMODPE.g. ActorEnterprise ObjectLibrary System, Undergraduate

26 Policy MFI-8: Rule MFI-8: Rule

27 Lending limit policy MFI-8: Rule MFIRMODPE.g. RulePolicyLending Limit, Loan duration

28 Information Viewpoint  Concerning information modeling  Semantics of information  Information processing  Focus on  Consistent interpretation of information by the components of the ODP system  Data and schemas

29 Information language metamodel

30 Three schemas  Predicates and specification of the data  Invariant schema expresses relationships between information objects which must always be true, for all valid behaviour of the system  Static schema expresses assertions which must be true at a single point in time  Dynamic schema specifies how the information can evolve as the system operates Could also constrain roles Could relate to processes

31 Library Example - IV Role

32 Invariant schema Example  There should be at most Librarian and at least one Assistant on duty while the library is open.  This is a predicate on roles that always should be true  Could be registered in MFI-8

33 Library Example - IV

34 Dynamic Schema  In a loan, undergraduate students can borrow N books provided that the total amount of books he/she borrows do not exceed 8.  It is a constraint on the Borrow Item process  Could be registered in MFI-5

35 Computational View  Concerning with functional decomposition  Decompose the system into a few computational objects  Encapsulation  Interact with other computational objects – through interface

36 Building the computational view  3 steps:  Identify the basic operations  Group them into interfaces  Identify the computational objects own the interfaces  The decomposition of the system provides the software architecture in an object-oriented way  Thus we face a significant difference between RM-ODP and RGPS  Object-oriented vs. Service-oriented  Computational object is the closest element to the service ?

37 Computational view metamodel

38 Library Example – CV Service


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