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Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 2014
Building a Portfolio Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 2014

2 Domain Four Outcomes… We will identify Domain 4 and analyze its respective components and elements. We will assess the relative importance of Domain 4 in your practice. We will identify relevant evidence that pertains to Domain 4.

3 Parking Lot If you have a question and we can’t address it immediately, please feel free to “park it” and we will make sure we answer it. Thank you!

4 Resources Go to Find Offices
Click Office of Staff Relations On the left side, click Teacher Evaluation Resources

5 How Can I Present My Evidence?
Word Document PowerPoint Prezi Active Inspire Flip Chart Document Camera Voice Thread ( Screen Cast-O- (capturing tool) Audacity (capturing tool) Live

6 Where can I store my evidence?
Your School’s Share Drive Your H:Drive on BCPS Server Travel Drive Drop Box Note: With BCPSOne we will have a system where we can all upload our portfolios in a universal fashion.

7 Component Activity Your task, at the end of this presentation, will be to create a master list (for your assigned component) of examples to use as evidence in a portfolio. During the Presentation: If you have “evidence” for a particular component that you would like to share, write it on a post-it note and place it on the “Component Chart” where you see fit. Thank You!

8 Domain Four: Professional Responsibilities
6 Components: 4a: Reflecting on Teaching 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records 4c: Communicating with Families 4d: Participating in a Professional Community 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally 4f: Showing Professionalism 1, 2 & 3 are observed, you are already rated on those. Can add evidence to 1, 2 & 3 if you want… but today's focus is on D4 and you can show because your evaluator can’t really see all of it.

9 Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching
Accuracy HE: Teacher makes a thoughtful and accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional outcomes, citing many specific examples from the lesson and weighing the relative strength of each. Ex: At the end of a lesson, students complete an entry in their learning log, which the teacher uses to assess the overall effectiveness of the lesson.

10 Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching
Use in future teaching HE: Drawing on an extensive repertoire of skills, teacher offers specific alternative actions, complete with the probable success of different courses of action. Ex: Based on entries students have made in their learning logs, the teacher re-groups students for the next lesson according to their areas of interest in the topic.

11 Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching

12 4a: Reflecting on Teaching
I meet with the other kindergarten teachers to reflect on our lessons. We identify what was successful about the unit, and what we should change for next year.

13 Post Conference Resource
Can be used as evidence for Reflecting on Teaching Use to promote conversation(s) with administrators/evaluators Allows teachers to improve upon their practice Provides a consistent resource to use after observations/lessons Located on our website

14 Why is student feedback an integral part of improving your practice?
Table Talk Why is student feedback an integral part of improving your practice?

15 Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
Student completion of assignments HE: Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is fully effective. Students participate in maintaining the records. Ex: Provide students with a monthly calendar of assignments due throughout the month. The calendar includes a space for students to record their progress towards completing these assignments.

16 Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
Student progress in learning Effective: Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student progress in learning is fully effective. Ex: Teacher uses sticky notes to capture anecdotal comments about student learning during class. The teacher may take notes during small-group discussions, writing conferences, and independent work. The teacher transfers the notes to student folders at the end of each day.

17 Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
Non-instructional records HE: Teacher’s system for maintaining information on non-instructional activities is highly effective and students contribute to its maintenance. Ex: Students in an elementary setting have a system, developed by teacher, for taking attendance.

18 Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
ELEMENTARY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT/CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT - NTO 2014 Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Students turn in Completed Work on their own when finished… Think about how and where students will turn in their work and get their homework. Office of Organizational Development

19 4b. Maintaining Accurate Records
I maintain very accurate records for each student. I have work samples from each week, old behavior charts, and classroom observations recorded.

20 Component 4c: Communicating with Families
Information about the instructional program HE: Teacher provides frequent information to families, as appropriate, about the instructional program. Students participate in preparing materials for their families. Ex: Students and teacher prepare materials for open house or back to school night. These materials include information about the units of study, homework, and grading policies, expectations for student work and behavior, and comments from the students about what they want to learn in class.

21 Component 4c: Communicating with Families
Information about individual students HE: Teacher provides information to families frequently on student progress, with students contributing to the design of the system. Response to family concerns is handled with great professional and cultural sensitivity. Ex: Each Friday, students complete a “Homework Success” report that lists any missing assignments for the week. Parents sign and return the report on Monday.

22 Component 4c: Communicating with Families
Engagement of families in the instructional program HE: Teacher’s efforts to engage families in the instructional program are frequent and successful. Students contribute ideas for projects that could be enhanced by family participation. Ex: Students invite/host parents/guardians at school for various types of events.

23 Example of Communicating with Families

24 4c: Communicating with Families
I maintain open communication with parents and work collaboratively to find ways for their child to be successful. I make sure to call home with any attendance concerns, behavioral issues, AND small success’.

25 Component 4d: Participating in a Professional Community
Relationships with colleagues HE: Relationship with colleagues are characterized by mutual support and cooperation. Teacher takes initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty. Ex: Teacher has created a place on the school website so he/she can share effective classroom strategies. Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry HE: Teacher takes a leadership role in promoting a culture of professional inquiry. EX: Facilitate monthly meetings to analyze student work. (PLC’s)

26 Component 4d: Participating in a Professional Community
Service to the school HE: Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a substantial contribution, and assumes a leadership role in at least one aspect of school life. Ex: Teacher coordinates a food drive. Participation in school and district projects HE: Teacher volunteers to participate in school and district projects, making a substantial contribution, and assumes a leadership role in a major school or district project. Ex: Teacher leads a school-based conversation to update colleagues on district-wide initiatives.


28 4d: Participating in a Professional Community
I participate in PTA activities. I started an after-school dance club. I went to Towson University to talk to the current interns about my experience as a first-year teacher.

29 Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally
Enhancing of content knowledge and pedagogical skill HE: Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a systematic effort to conduct action research. Ex: Teacher attends professional development activities and then shares implementation strategies with colleagues.

30 Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally
Receptivity to feedback from colleagues HE: Teacher seeks out feedback on teaching from both supervisors and colleagues. Ex: Teacher invites administrator(s) and colleagues into their classroom to observe and provide feedback. Service to the profession Effective: Teacher participates actively in assisting other educators. EX: Teacher is a mentor to new teachers on staff.

31 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally
I attend after-school professional development opportunities. Hawthorne is a lighthouse school and I will be attending several summer professional developments on how to implement the new technology into my classroom.

32 Teacher Self Assessment
Use to reflect on your own practice at the beginning of the school year Use in conjunction with rubric to self assess Can use prior Informal/Formal observations for guidance Use as evidence for Growing and Developing Professionally On our website

33 Teacher Development Plan
Need to be completed at the beginning of school year Promotes collaborative conversations Drives Professional Development throughout the year Enhances Student Achievement Can choose to do it with other colleagues On our website

34 Teacher Development Plan (Narrated Power Point)

35 Teacher Development Plan Log
Use to keep record of: Workshops MSDE courses Cohorts/Programs Conferences Professional Groups

36 Component 4f: Professional Responsibilities
Integrity and Ethical Conduct HE: Teacher can be counted on to hold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality and takes a leadership role with colleagues. Ex: Teacher takes a leadership role in ensuring that all student records are maintained in a confidential manner.

37 Component 4f: Professional Responsibilities
Service to Students HE: Teacher is highly proactive in serving students, seeking out resources when needed. EX: Teacher develops an after school homework club, enlisting student volunteers and colleagues to provide support on designated days throughout the week. Advocacy HE: Teacher makes a concerted effort to challenge negative attitudes or practices to ensure that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, are honored in the school. EX: Teacher researches programs to address bullying, including several successful intervention programs currently available to schools, and makes a presentation to faculty.

38 Component 4f: Professional Responsibilities
Decision Making HE: Teacher takes a leadership role in team or departmental decision making and helps ensure that such decisions are based on the highest professional standards. EX: Teacher solicits and organizes specific data and feedback from colleagues necessary to make team or departmental decisions. Compliance with school and district regulations. Effective: Teacher complies fully with school and district regulations EX: Teacher is consistent and on time in attendance at team and faculty meetings. 4100

39 4F: Demonstrating Professionalism (Example)
I demonstrate professionalism in the way that I talk to parents. I address concerns in an appropriate way and am prepared with accurate data for team meetings. I demonstrate professionalism in the way that I dress and my timeliness. I demonstrate professionalism in the way that I take initiative in grade-level planning. I demonstrate professionalism in the way that I speak to and collaborate with IA’s and AAA’s in my classroom.

40 Evidence Collectors In your groups determine examples of evidence a teacher could use to demonstrate effective or highly effective performance levels in the component you’ve been assigned.

41 Collecting Evidence: Domain 4

42 Office of Staff Relations and Employee Performance Management
Contacts Casey Bane Secondary Resource Teacher x2095 Samantha Yuhanick Elementary Resource Teacher x2095 Office of Staff Relations and Employee Performance Management

43 Questions about Domain 4???
Have a Great Day!!! Thanks so much for coming today!!

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