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Advertisement. Smooth Move: By: Amelia Traylor Analyzing Persuasive Techniques in Advertisements.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertisement. Smooth Move: By: Amelia Traylor Analyzing Persuasive Techniques in Advertisements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertisement

2 Smooth Move: By: Amelia Traylor Analyzing Persuasive Techniques in Advertisements

3 BACKGROUND  A Swedish group called IQ created this advertisement to discourage alcohol abuse in 2011, airing it just before the holidays, when people are the most likely to drink. Systembolaget, a group of liquor stores owned by the government that lead by example in selling alcohol in a responsible way to help fight the huge drinking problem many people in Sweden face.

4 PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES This advertisement uses many different forms of persuasion to convince its audience to not drink alcohol.  Emotional Appeal (Pathos)  Use of a Slogan and Repetition  Weasel Words  Factual Evidence (Logos)  Establishes Credibility (Ethos)

5 EMOTIONAL APPEAL (PATHOS)  One way this advertisement appeals to its audience is through emotions. A major example of the emotional appeal would be the little girl sitting alone in the pub, a place not fit for such a young child, while her father pays for his next drink across the room. The audience feels immediate pity for the little girl and wants to ensure that their own child will never have to go through that same thing. The way to prevent it from happening: do not drink.

6 SLOGAN AND REPETITION Throughout the ad, the narrator uses the adjective “smooth” to describe the drink (Taman), and commonly refers to it as “exceptionally smooth”. Many alcoholic beverages proudly boast to be “exceptionally smooth” such as Familia Camarena Tequila, Longboard Island Lager beer,and the Polish beer, Dog in the Fog. By repeating the words over and over, the audience is more likely to remember them. The next time an audience member sees “exceptionally smooth” on an alcoholic drink, he or she is reminded of the advertisement and is less likely to buy the drink.

7 WEASEL WORDS  Weasel words are words that can mislead the audience into believing a fact that is not necessarily true. For example, the narrator states, “In Sweden, one in five children suffer because their mum or dad drinks too much”. But what exactly is “too much”? The words create the idea that many children in Sweden have severe alcoholics as parents, but without a defined amount that is “too much”, this statement could simply mean that the parent has a drink with dinner once or twice a week.

8 FACTUAL EVIDENCE (LOGOS)  Facts and statistics are used in this advertisement to support the author’s point. Examples would include, “Eight out of 10 acts of violence in public places are alcohol- related” and “more than 320,000 Swedes are addicted to alcohol”. These facts are attention-grabbing and startling to the audience as they begin to realize the seriousness of alcohol addiction. As Laura Hibbard wrote, “[O]kay, you have our attention” (Hibbard 1).

9 CREDIBILITY (ETHOS)  The narrator establishes his credibility to the audience with his voice. His voice is very professional and solemn, but also draws his audience in with its warm quality, giving the audience the feeling that they can trust him. However, the advertisement also portrays people who drink alcohol as two totally different people: the person before and after drinking. Before drinking alcohol, the people in the commercial are friendly, generally happy, professional, put-together people. After drinking alcohol, however, these people turn into exactly the opposite. They become rowdy, violent, angry, foolish, and rash. They even neglect their children. This technique shows the audience how alcohol can affect their decisions and their own credibility. By portraying people who drink alcohol as undesirable people, the audience is much less likely to drink in the future.

10 BIBLIOGRAPHY  Hibbard, Laura. "Alcohol Commercial Suddenly Turns Anti-Drinking (VIDEO)." The Huffington Post., 16 Nov. 2011. Web. 01 Nov. 2013..  Kuglich, Daniel. "Persuasive Techniques in Advertising." International Reading Assocation, n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013..

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