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+ Who are the architects of Confederation?. + Who are the architects of Canada’s Confederation? What are the factors that led to Confederation? What.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Who are the architects of Confederation?. + Who are the architects of Canada’s Confederation? What are the factors that led to Confederation? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Who are the architects of Confederation?


3 + Who are the architects of Canada’s Confederation? What are the factors that led to Confederation? What is the beginning, middle and end to Canada’s Confederation story? How has the path of Confederation reinforced or created harmony and tension in Canada? What was the effectiveness of different structures of leadership in Canada’s history? How did other countries influence Canada’s path to Confederation?


5 + How do we create a history for Canada that is inclusive, but does not become overwhelming in its detail?

6 + What do historians actually do?

7 + Historical Significance

8 + How do we determine if something has historical significance? We can look for these indicators (in combination or isolation): a formative event- after this point, “everything changed” part of the cultural narrative- it is part of the stories people tell about themselves part of a bigger pattern- one piece of a bigger story, an important ingredient

9 + Primary and Secondary Sources Written or created at the time of the event Eyewitness accounts Letters, tools, artifacts Have benefit of being a source directly from the event Examples: A letter A piece of pottery Written after the event Author is relying on other information to write about event Has benefit of having time to analyze and understand Examples Biography Summary of a battle Primary SourcesSecondary Sources

10 + Continuity and Change

11 + Cause and Consequence

12 + Ethical Dimensions

13 + Historical Perspective… “Taking historical perspective means understanding the social, cultural, intellectual, and emotional settings that shaped people’s lives and actions in the past. At any one point, different historical actors may have acted on the basis of conflicting beliefs and ideologies, so understanding diverse perspectives is also a key to historical perspective- taking. …historical perspective is very different from the common-sense notion of identification with another person. Indeed, taking historical perspective demands comprehension of the vast differences between us in the present and those in the past.” perspectives

14 + Perspective depends upon evidence for inferences about how people felt and thought. Empathetic leaps that aren’t based in evidence are historically worthless. Any particular historical event or situation involves people who may have diverse perspectives on it. Understanding multiple perspectives is a key to understanding the event. Avoid presentism—the unwarranted imposition of present ideas on the past

15 + Historical Perspective…

16 + Challenge: Can we truly remove ourselves from our thinking? In other words… Is it possible to fully take on a historical perspective, or will we be influenced by our current time (values, ethics, understandings, etc)? Connection: To which Saints School Value is Historical Perspectives most similar?

17 + Who are the architects of Confederation?

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