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ROMA IN BELFAST ‘What local authorities can do to empower Roma women’

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1 ROMA IN BELFAST ‘What local authorities can do to empower Roma women’

2 BELFAST CONTEXT Population of Belfast 250,000 2000 Roma - mainly Romanian 700 Irish Travellers Little inward migration until recent years Roma have found integration difficult due to  Cultural/religious issues  Initial restrictions due to immigration status  History of discrimination  Poor or no educational background There are also significant issues around inclusion and participation of women

3 HISTORY Romanian Roma first arrived in Belfast in 2007 Due to immigration restrictions they Could only work as self employed Had no access to public funds Had only emergency health care Very poor housing – overcrowding and very expensive Could send children to school but no help with costs Primary interest was to work, keep a roof over their heads and feed their families

4 BUILDING RELATIONSHIP & TRUST Relationships built with local churches and the Roma church Funding Roma community liaison officer within an NGO Using existing relationships between community representatives and the Roma to gain access to map health needs of women and families Accessing EU funding for the I am Roma project – an interagency project with Roma as key partners

5 PILOT WORK WITH ROMA WOMEN Pilot social economy Creative use of funding! Orientation to Belfast course and trip Working with Roma women AND children Dedicated health visitor clinic in the Romanian Roma Centre Women asked us for help to help their children not for themselves ‘I have dreams for my children; I had no chance to learn when I was young, but I want the children to learn.’ Roma mother

6 IDENTIFIED NEED OF ROMA WOMEN Support to even begin an integration process A community development approach – capacity building A gender sensitive project with one to one support Initial incentivisation to gain buy in Holding an advocacy role Recognition of untapped potential within Roma women A Roma support worker from within the community Support for Roma mothers as they engage with early years provision

7 CHALLENGES Accessing funding for women’s work – need the endorsement of wider community Ensuring men in the community also benefited from the project Overcoming fear of engagement outside the community Dealing with low self esteem and lack of aspiration Child care and gender role realities ‘ Roma people are devoted to their children: to be with the community you have to work with the children.’ Roma worker

8 WOMENS PROJECT Employed Roma workers Supported ‘lived English’ lessons Day trips to utilise newly acquired skills Craft sessions designing educational toys Conversation circles and film sessions Recognised qualifications gained 20 men - construction cards awarded

9 To work with the Roma women successfully we must: Recognise we know almost nothing about cultural and social norms of the Roma community Acknowledge the impact of centuries of oppression fear of engaging with ‘outsiders’ Show genuine respect and sensitivity - recognise there may be consequences for women who engage Provide culturally sensitive support for Roma workers Value the richness of Roma history and culture - resource recognition

10 Admit there may be ‘value dilemmas’; be prepared to have our values challenged Listen carefully to what women say they need - don’t squeeze them into our provision; adapt our service to meet their needs Invest in community champions – support bridge builders Know that experiential learning works for learning new skills Build trust and strong long-term alliances with community - women need to see long-term support Recognise Roma women’s human rights and service provider’s legal and moral obligations

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