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Issue 2012-I134 Non-CSA CR sends MVO with bypass CSA Flag.

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Presentation on theme: "Issue 2012-I134 Non-CSA CR sends MVO with bypass CSA Flag."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issue 2012-I134 Non-CSA CR sends MVO with bypass CSA Flag

2 Issue Non-CSA CR submits a MVO with the bypass CSA Flag, resulting in CSA CR never knowing the ESIID is not active. CSA premise management company is left with a Unit with no power and may incur charges for permits in the hundreds of Dollars. See original issue 2007-I075 There are currently 2 codes that can be used to bypass the CSA at ERCOT.  REF~1P~B44 (indicates that the meter is no longer needed and should be removed) and REF~2W~MVO (should only be used by the CSA CR)

3 Data for 11/01/12 – 11/30/12 CountPercentage Total MVOs Accepted 94,511 MVOs without flag 88,67493.82% MVOs with flag from CSA CR 2,5182.66% MVOs with flag and no CSA CR 3,2443.43% MVOs with flag from another CR 75.08%

4 Data for 11/01/12 – 11/30/12 CountPercentage Total MVOs submitted with bypass flag 5,837 MVOs with flag from CSA CR 2,51843.14% MVOs with flag and no CSA CR 3,24455.58% MVOs with flag from another CR 75 1.28%

5 Data for 11/01/12 – 11/30/12 CountPercentage2WB44Both Total MVOs submitted with bypass flag 5,837 MVOs with flag from CSA CR 2,51843.14%2,4055855 MVOs with flag and no CSA CR 3,24455.58%1752,733336 MVOs with flag from another CR 751.28%60123

6 Data for 11/01/12 – 11/30/12 CountPercentage MVOs with flag from another CR 75 2W 6080.00% B44 1216.00% Both 2W and B44 34.00%

7 Data for September - November Sept. Count Sept. Percentage Oct. Count Oct. Percentage Nov. Count Nov. Percentage Total MVOs Accepted 106,977114,08594,511 MVOs without flag 100,45393.90%106,83593.65%88,67493.82% MVOs with flag from CSA CR 3,0542.85%3,2732.87%2,5182.66% MVOs with flag and no CSA CR 3,3393.12%3,8313.36%3,2443.43% MVOs with flag from another CR 131.12%146.13%750.08%

8 Data for September - November Sept. Count Sept. Percentage Oct. Count Oct. Percentage Nov. Count Nov. Percentage Total MVOs submitted with bypass flag 6,5247,2505,837 MVOs with flag from CSA CR 3,054 46.81% 3,273 45.14% 2,518 43.14% MVOs with flag and no CSA CR 3,339 51.18% 3,831 52.84% 3,244 55.58% MVOs with flag from another CR 131 2.01% 146 2.01% 75 1.28%

9 Data for September - November Sept. Totals Sept. 2W Sept. B44 Sept. Both Oct. Totals Oct. 2W Oct. B44 Oct. Both Nov. Totals Nov. 2W Nov. B44 Nov. Both Total MVOs submitted with bypass flag6524 7,2505,837 MVOs with flag from CSA CR30542,82612273,2732,95123202,5182,4055855 MVOs with flag and no CSA CR333932027212983,8315362,9893063,2441752,733336 MVOs with flag from another CR1311191111461361007560123

10 Data for September - November Sept. Count Sept. Percentage Oct. Count Oct. Percentage Nov. Count Nov. Percentage MVOs with flag from another CR 13114675 2W 11990.84%13693.15%6080.00% B44 118.4%106.85%1216.00% Both 2W and B44 1.76%034.00%

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