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SCHIZOPHRENIA Rogelio Navarro. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the different types of schizophrenia and the treatments?  What are the similarities and.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHIZOPHRENIA Rogelio Navarro. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the different types of schizophrenia and the treatments?  What are the similarities and."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCHIZOPHRENIA Rogelio Navarro

2 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the different types of schizophrenia and the treatments?  What are the similarities and differences between the different types of schizophrenia?

3 WHAT IS SCHIZOPHRENIA?  Schizophrenia is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary; may be unresponsive or keep to themselves; and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations.

4 DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA  Paranoid schizophrenia  Disorganized schizophrenia  Catatonic schizophrenia  Residual schizophrenia  Schizoaffective disorder

5 PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA  a person feels extremely suspicious, persecuted, or grandiose, or experiences a combination of these emotions.  Symptoms: Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices; Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you; Anxiety; Anger; Emotional distance; Violence; Argumentativeness; Self-important or condescending manner; Suicidal thoughts and behavior

6 DISORGANIZED SCHIZOPHRENIA  a person is often incoherent in speech and thought, but may not have delusions.  Symptoms Disorganized thinking; Grossly disorganized behavior; Absent or inappropriate emotional expression; Having beliefs not based on reality (delusions); Seeing or hearing things that don't exist (hallucinations), especially voices; Grimacing; Odd postures; Trouble functioning at school or work; Social isolation; Clumsy, uncoordinated movements

7 CATATONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA  a person is withdrawn, mute, negative and often assumes very unusual body positions.  Symptoms: Physical immobility (catatonic stupor); Excessive mobility; Extreme resistance; Peculiar movements; mimicking speech or movements; Having beliefs not based on reality (delusions); Seeing or hearing things that don't exist (hallucinations), especially voices; Incoherent speech; Neglect of personal hygiene; Apparent lack of emotions; Emotions inappropriate to the situation; Angry outbursts; Trouble functioning at school or work; Social isolation; Clumsy, uncoordinated movements

8 RESIDUAL SCHIZOPHRENIA  a person is no longer experiencing delusions or hallucinations, but has no motivation or interest in life.  Symptoms: Lack of full episodes; mood swings; problems with anti-social behaviors; confusion or irritability.

9 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER  a person has symptoms of both schizophrenia and a major mood disorder such as depression.  Symptoms: Delusions — having false, fixed beliefs; Hallucinations, such as hearing voices; Major depressed mood episodes; Possible periods of manic mood or a sudden increase in energy and behavioral displays that are out of character; Impaired occupational and social functioning; Problems with cleanliness and physical appearance; Paranoid thoughts and idea

10 RECOVERY AND REHABILITATION  Case management helps people access services, financial assistance, treatment and other resources.  Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs are programs that help people regain skills such as: employment, cooking, cleaning, budgeting, shopping, socializing, problem solving, and stress management.  Self-help groups provide on-going support and information to persons with serious mental illness by individuals who experience mental illness themselves.

11 RECOVERY AND REHABILITATION  Drop-in centers are places where individuals with mental illness can socialize and/or receive informal support and services on an as- needed basis.  Housing programs offer a range of support and supervision from 24 hour supervised living to drop-in support as needed.  Employment programs assist individuals in finding employment and/or gaining the skills necessary to re-enter the workforce.

12 RECOVERY AND REHABILITATION  Therapy/Counseling includes different forms of “talk” therapy, both individual and group, that can help both the patient and family members to better understand the illness and share their concerns.  Crisis Services include 24 hour hotlines, after hours counseling, residential placement and in-patient hospitalization.

13 MEDICATIONS  Conventional antipsychotics effectively control the “positive" symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and confusion of schizophrenia.  New Generation (also called atypical) antipsychotics treat both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, often with fewer side effects.

14 CHEMISTRY  Scientist noticed that people who have schizophrenia have an imbalance of serotonin and dopamine; these chemicals are neurotransmitters  The imbalance of these chemicals affects the way a person’s brain reacts to stimuli--which explains why a person with schizophrenia may be overwhelmed by sensory information

15 COMPARE  All of them except residual schizophrenia have the same common symptoms  They can all be passed down genetically  Disorganized and catatonic are the hardest to live with

16 CONTRAST  Residual schizophrenia is the most different one; it usually happens after the symptoms of the schizophrenia are gone.  Catatonic schizophrenia is the rarest type of schizophrenia  Disorganized schizophrenia is the one that is hardest to live life

17 WORK CITED  Go mentor (n.d.). Residual Schizophrenia - Retrieved March 31, 2014, from  Mayo Clinic staff (2010, December 16). Paranoid schizophrenia Symptoms - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from schizophrenia/basics/symptoms/con-20029040  Mayo clinic staff (2010, December 17). Catatonic schizophrenia Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from schizophrenia/basics/definition/con-20029066  Mayo clinic staff (2010, December 10). Disorganized schizophrenia Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from schizophrenia/basics/definition/con-20029138

18 WORK CITED  Mayo clinic staff (2010, December 10). Disorganized schizophrenia Symptoms - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from schizophrenia/basics/symptoms/con-20029138  Mayo clinic staff (2014, January 25). Schizoaffective disorder Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from disorder/basics/definition/con-20029221  Mayo clinic staff (2014, January 25). Schizoaffective disorder Symptoms - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from disorder/basics/symptoms/con-20029221  Mental Health America (n.d.). Schizophrenia - Types of Schizophrenia - Symptoms. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from

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