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AP CAPSTONE SEMINAR WEEK 1.2: 9/2-5. AP Seminar Schedule 10/6  Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing,

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2 AP Seminar Schedule 10/6  Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments  Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons?  Discuss Reflection and Group Presentation  pass out rubric for group presentation  Introduce the new Theme  Rainbow discussion Part 1  select and pass out first article  read first article  discuss first article with group  use lens, perspective and central argument template  Prepare a 5 minute presenations  receive remaining articles to read for tomorrow Reminders: Group Presentation and Individual Reflection due 10/10 ● Get Hippocratic Writings for 10/10 ● Start Reading WWZ for discussion on Tues. 10/14

3 AP Seminar – Discussion Questions 10/6 Collins, et al.  Slytherin House Poe  Terrifying Tourtises Chalk  Meme Lords

4 AP Seminar Schedule 10/7  Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments  Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons?  Hippocratic Writings  Discuss Reflections  Rainbow discussion Part 2  get into groups and prepare a presentation on your original article with the following questions  present article information and stand for questions  Workshop Research Questions Reminders: Group Presentation and Individual Reflection due 10/10 ● Get Hippocratic Writings for 10/10 ● Start Reading WWZ for discussion on Tues. 10/14

5 AP Seminar Schedule 10/8  Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments  Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons?  View Star Trek Episode and discuss how diseased people see themselves v. the way that others see them Reminders: Group Presentation and Individual Reflection due 10/10 ● Get Hippocratic Writings for 10/10 ● Start Reading WWZ for discussion on Tues. 10/14

6 AP Seminar Schedule 10/10  Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments  Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons?  Give presentations and stand for questioning  assign Hippocratic writings Reminders: Read selections from Hippocratic Writings for 10/10 ● Start Reading WWZ for discussion on Mon. 10/20 (per schedule revisions)

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