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Mercury project By Daniel Jillings.

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1 Mercury project By Daniel Jillings

2 Where is Mercury? Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System.


4 About Mercury Mercury is named after the Roman god of messages.
Craters on Mercury are named after famous artists, writer and musicians Among them are Beethoven, Michelangelo, Shakespeare and van Gogh. 80% of Mercury’s mass is made from iron .

5 Mercury is covered by craters, the craters were made by space rocks called Asteroids crashing into the planet.

6 Facts about Mercury DIAMETER – 3,000 miles DISTANCE FROM THE SUN – 36 million miles YEAR/ORBIT = 88 Days TEMPERATURE – Day 420° C Night -170°C MOONS - None

7 What is it like on Mercury?
Mercury has no air or water! Mercury looks like the Moon because it has lots of craters. During the day it is VERY hot and at night it is colder than a freezer! THERE IS NO LIFE ON MERCURY

8 Was Han Solo frozen on Mercury?

9 Exploration of Mercury
Even the most powerful telescopes on Earth cannot tell us what Mercury is like. In 1974 the space probe Mariner 10 flew past the planet 3 times before it’s fuel ran out. Mariner 10 saw the same side of Mercury each time so parts of Mercury were unknown.

10 Messenger Mission On August 3rd 2004, MESSENGER was launched on its mission to Mercury. It entered Mercury’s orbit on March 18th 2011. It orbited the planet for four years, sending back images of Mercury. The mission ended on 30 April 2015.

11 Hope you enjoyed learning about Mercury. Thank you for watching!
The End Hope you enjoyed learning about Mercury. Thank you for watching!

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