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19 January 2016 19 Ionawr 2016 For your convenience these screen shots will appear on the Wrexham U3A website until 16 February 2016 WREXHAM WRECSAM.

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Presentation on theme: "19 January 2016 19 Ionawr 2016 For your convenience these screen shots will appear on the Wrexham U3A website until 16 February 2016 WREXHAM WRECSAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 19 January 2016 19 Ionawr 2016 For your convenience these screen shots will appear on the Wrexham U3A website until 16 February 2016 WREXHAM WRECSAM

2 Future presentations 16 FebruryHistory of Acton Hall – Alister Williams 15 MarchAGM and In the Midst of Gorillas – Dr Mike Leach

3 Visits and Events 2016 dates 4 th to 8 th MarchLocks and Glens Trip 23 rd AprilPort Sunlight 25 th JuneBletchley Park ASK IN THE FOYER FOR FURTHER DETAILS.

4 Group Leaders’ Meeting 9 th February 2016 – The next group leaders meeting will be held at 9:30am at The Memorial Club near Tesco. All leaders have been contacted but Pam awaits some replies. 24th February 2016 – 10 th Anniversary Celebration. Please see Pam Dean regarding information on Group Leaders’ involvement.

5 Group News Poetry Group - has been established under the Leadership of Valerie Williams Meets on the first Monday of each month at 2.00 pm. Contact Val on 01978 756614 Reading Group 2 - has been reconvened under the Leadership of Chris Cripps Meets on the second Wednesday of each month Contact Chris on 01978 265458

6 Group News Walking Group: Monthly – Week 4 28 th January – Llanfynydd and Hope Mountain Short Walks Group: 2 nd February – Meet at Alyn Waters 1 st March – Gresford Quarry 5 th April - Erddig

7 Group News Sewing Group – now meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 27 Poyser St. Contact: Concetta Scandariato on 01978 355312 for details. Family History - now in Training Room at Acton Community Centre Badminton – new members needed, please contact Rob and Pam Brown Vacancies – Reading Group. Contact: Liz Martin on 01978 261694 Sunday Lunch Group. Contact: Sheila Jardine on 01978 571761

8 Industrial Heritage 2016 January – Boat Museum, Ellesmere Port. February – Cosford Air Museum March – Middleport Pottery, Stoke-on-Trent.

9 New Groups Cycling – This new group needs more members. For details of events please contact Mary Burman on 01978 840587. Short Walks Leaders Pam Sharratt - 01978 761313 Jannet Dry The walks will be up to four miles. Suitable clothing, walking boots and a bottle of water are required. Unless stated otherwise the group will meet in the car park behind Sainsburys at 9:45. Walks should take approximately two hours. Please note that you walk at your own risk and are responsible for your own safety.

10 New Groups German Group Leader : Elizabeth Pettit Tel No. 01978-854519 Deputy Leader: Audrey Lockyer Tel No. 01978-790312 Venue: Cunliffe Arms, Jeffreys Road, Wrexham (Tesco Community room from April) When: Tuesday at 2.00pm (2 nd and 4 th week of month) Tap Dancing Leader:Doreen Curtis When:Every Monday from 3:15pm to 4:45pm. Venue:St Marys Catholic Church Hall, Wrexham

11 New Groups Singing for Pleasure It is hoped to start this new group. Anyone interested Please see Margaret Hester. ‘Live’ Cinema Performances Please see Jan Evans if you would like to meet up with others who will be attending performances. Bowling Please see Kath Ward or Ann Dodd.

12 Group Leaders Wanted We urgently need Leaders for the following groups: Spanish Conversation 10 members have registered and one person has volunteered to help with the group. A contact in Mold U3A has offered assistance as to the framework for the group Psychology Member interest but no group leader. Film History Alan Coulson has a collection of film study material which he is willing to share. If anyone is interested in starting a group please contact Mary Woolley. If you are able to help with any of these groups please contact Pam Dean.

13 Other activities that may be of interest (not run by Wrexham U3A) Bridge for Beginners - Current course runs on a Thursday (1.00-3.00pm) at Age Connects, St Andrew’s House (behind Ramada Plaza). £3 per session. Call Andrew Mountain on 07980 118508 for details. Seniors exercise programme – currently running at Maes-y-Pant community woodland, Gresford/Marford Balane, flexibility, strength and cardio. I hour sessions Contact Claire on 07834 494818 for details. Small charge. Craft Contact: Frances Hughes 01244 570022 (note phone number) Acton Community Centre. First Wednesday. 10 am-noon

14 Some other Activities that may be of interest (not run by Wrexham U3A) 1. Age Connects NE Wales is based in Ellice Way (Yale Business Park), LL13 7YL (08450 549822) Courses include: Knitting and Crochet Computer Singing Learn to Draw Exercise Email: Website: 2. Tai Chi From Wednesday 3 June, Glyndwr Sports Centre (2-3 pm)

15 10 th Anniversary Party Wednesday 24 th February 2016. Memorial Hall, Wrexham. Two course hot buffet lunch. Cost: £10.00. Please see Ann Herniman to book your place. There will be an exhibition, photographs and group displays showing the history of Wrexham U3A over the last ten years.

16 Newsletter A PLEA TO GROUP LEADERS Articles of 75-125 words ( with or without photos ) are being sought from the Study Groups. All members of the U3A should be kept informed about the quality work being undertaken in the Study groups, so please let us know what you do. Contact the Editorial Team via their email:

17 Handbook 2015-16 This details our activities for the coming year. Are there any courses you would like to see started? We are also aware that some male members may feel that there are not enough activities that may be of more interest to them. Contact Pam Dean if you have an idea for a new group. Erratum: Page 8. Peter Beddoes – 01978 359451

18 Our Speaker Today Ruth Moore-Williams From Parlour to Poorhouse

19 Our Speaker In February Alister Williams History of Acton Hall

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