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READERS’ CHOICE PROGRAM TUTORIAL February 2016. 1. Enter to Nominate 2. View 2015 Winners List 3. Info to Promote Business Readers’ Choice Landing Page.

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2 1. Enter to Nominate 2. View 2015 Winners List 3. Info to Promote Business Readers’ Choice Landing Page 1 1 2 2 3 3

3 1. Nominators & Voters select the MAIN category they wish to access 2. Each Category page provides access back to this main landing page The Nomination Process - 1 1

4 1. Nominators & Voters “click” on desired sub-categories 2. All Category and Sub-Category pages have Leaderboard adjacencies for Desktop and Big Box assets are visible on Mobile version Step 1: Sub-Category Selection Page 1 1

5 1. Once Sub-Category (Local Audio) is selected a list of prospective businesses are presented 2. List is seeded with Previous Year Winners and grows as participation and nominations grow 3. Once Business is Nominated the Nomination button reflects 4. Businesses are listed alphabetically 5. Businesses with Profiles STAND OUT and indicate other category options are available for nomination Step 2: Sub Category Nomination Page 1 1

6 1. Business Profile Page aggregates all nominations into single spot 1. Easy for Nominators to nominate businesses with multiple categories 2. “About Us” Article; links to website, links to social media; google location map and INYN Profile Step 3: Accessing Business Profile Page 1 1

7 1. Profiles contain Business Social Media Feed 1. Facebook; Twitter 2. Feeds are displayed in Real Time Business Profile Pages 1 1

8 1. Profile Pages provide links to Business Website where Visitors can access full information Profile Page Links 1 1

9 1. Content hosted on Metroland Media Group Readers’ Choice sites appear in Organic Search Businesses are optimized for Search 1 1

10 1. Links from MMG Community Site 2. Archived and viewable at any time of year Previous Year Winners Lists 2 2 2 2

11 1. Winners listed by Place 2. Business Profiles continue to differentiate between competitors 1. Live for 1 Full Year 2. Link to Website 3. Link to Social Media 2015 Winners List 2 2

12 1. Businesses are prompted to promote their business 2. Leads sent to Site Administrator Promote your Business 3 3

13 RC PROGRAM DETAILS TIMELINES  NOMINATIONS  Site launched January 18 th, 2016  Nominations close July 31 st, 2016  Between Nomination Close and Winners re- launch Businesses with Profiles are viewable  WINNERS  Site launches October 2016  List posted until December 31st, 2016  Winners list archived under “Previous Winners”

14 BUSINESS PROFILES ADVERTISER BENEFITS  Differentiate Businesses from Competition  Businesses with Profiles STAND OUT  Aggregates all Nominations in one spot  Ensures more nominations are cast in all categories  Easier for Readers to Nominate a single business in multiple categories  Links to Website  Displays Social Media feeds in Real Time  One link for Businesses to share  Don’t need to forward multiple links if nominated in multiple categories

15 RC NOMINATION PROMOTION EARLY BIRD PROMOTION RATES  Easy Bundle: $1,099  RC Site Profile  RC Site Promotional Leaderboard  250 Promotional Post Cards  ROP Quarter Page  A la Carte  RC Site Profile: $399  RC Site Rotational Leaderboard: $299  250 Promotional Post Cards: $299  ROP Quarter Page: $999

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