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By Andrew Lindsey Map Of Syria Mesopotamia Assyria From The Atlas Of Ancient Geography By Samuel Butler Published London Circa 1829. Photograph. Encyclopædia.

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Presentation on theme: "By Andrew Lindsey Map Of Syria Mesopotamia Assyria From The Atlas Of Ancient Geography By Samuel Butler Published London Circa 1829. Photograph. Encyclopædia."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Andrew Lindsey Map Of Syria Mesopotamia Assyria From The Atlas Of Ancient Geography By Samuel Butler Published London Circa 1829. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. 21 Feb 2014.

2 Essential Question Slide What were the most important achievements of the four empires? Blue Question Mark Made From Wood.. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. 21 Feb 2014.

3 The Akkadian Empire The Akkadians were 1 of 4 empires to rule Mesopotamia and had big achievements. Sargon was the leader, and he was a skilled general and politition. This was the world’s first empire. Sargon made the rule that his son will rule after his death, and this carried on.

4 Babylonian Empire The 2 nd empire, the Babylonians, had many achievements. Hammurabi created the code of laws, which applied to everyone, but not equally. Hammurabi built roads and made a postal service. The empire became an important center for trade.

5 Assyrian Empire The Assyrian improved a lot of things, but had their own achievements, also. The Assyrians built the first aqueducts. They perfected warfare tools, and were the first people to use the battering ram. Creating fear among their enemies was part of military strategy.

6 Neo-Babylonian Empire The Neo-Babylonians re-established the Babylonian Empire with new achievements. Nebuchadrezzar rebuilt the ziggurat and made it into the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They had a very complex and safe way of keeping a city safe. They created the days and weeks we use now and made the first sun dial.

7 The Mesopotamian Empire Idol The best Empire is the Neo-Babylonian empire. Nebuchadrezzar knew just how to restore the city the way people liked it. It had extremely good safety. There discoveries are still used today.

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