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What? Iroquois tribes Why? To help include outside information in our Document-Based Question (DBQ) Essay  Do Now: Go to pages 24-28 and complete the.

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Presentation on theme: "What? Iroquois tribes Why? To help include outside information in our Document-Based Question (DBQ) Essay  Do Now: Go to pages 24-28 and complete the."— Presentation transcript:

1 What? Iroquois tribes Why? To help include outside information in our Document-Based Question (DBQ) Essay  Do Now: Go to pages 24-28 and complete the graphic organizer breakdown boxes for those documents.  On a separate sheet of loose-leaf, be sure to have the answers to documents 1-4. Make sure you have a heading and write down the document # and question #. Do not copy down the question itself.

2 What? Iroquois tribes Why? To help include outside information in our Document-Based Question (DBQ) Essay  Do Now: List one important fact about the Native Americans who live in the Eastern Woodlands and another fact about the Native Americans who live in the Great Plains.

3 I. Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) tribes  Upstate New York area  Known as the “People of the Longhouse” who set up villages  Depended on farming for food  Wampum belts made out of beads were a popular piece of art craft  Established the Confederacy of the Iroquois – an organization of five nations for the purpose of protecting themselves from outside tribes


5 Wampum belt

6 Iroquois village

7 II. Bucketizing organizer  After completing the short answer breakdown organizers - decide which documents should be grouped together  Each “Bucket” is a different topic that relates to the thesis statement/task and each “Bucket” represents a main body paragraph  Write a topic sentence for each bucket/body paragraph – explains what the rest of the paragraph is about

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