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Warmup 2/3/16 What does number estimation mean to you? Tell me one place in the Bible where someone needed to estimate or guess at the number of something.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup 2/3/16 What does number estimation mean to you? Tell me one place in the Bible where someone needed to estimate or guess at the number of something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup 2/3/16 What does number estimation mean to you? Tell me one place in the Bible where someone needed to estimate or guess at the number of something and it mattered for God. Objective Tonight’s Homework To become more familiar with estimations Estimate the square footage of your house

2 Notes on Estimation How do we estimate? There are a few methods. 1: Small scale to big Start small and multiply to get the bigger area. Example: Estimate the number of bricks in this building. Method: try by starting with small areas that you can multiply.

3 Notes on Estimation How do we estimate? There are a few methods. 1: Small scale to big Start small and multiply to get the bigger area. Example: Estimate the number of bricks in this building. Method: try by starting with small areas that you can multiply.

4 Notes on Estimation 2: Common Sense Check 1 square foot is the size of one tile on the floor in this room. Let’s say we wanted to carpet this room. How many square feet of carpet would we need? Let’s say we did the math and got an answer of 20 square feet. With just a little thought you can tell that this answer is obviously wrong. But why? Because common sense says that this isn’t enough. This method can be helpful in checking work.

5 Notes on Estimation 3: Visualization How far is it in feet from one end of this room to the other? Estimating this can be tough. One method is to visualize. Use your imagination and imagine you’re laying down end to end across the room. Your mind can actually picture the distances pretty well. This method works well for relatively small-scale calculations.

6 Practicing Estimation So what’s estimation? It’s the ability to guess at something just by taking a look. Why are we doing this? It’s important in science or math to have a feel for if your answer is totally right or totally wrong. Practicing estimation should help. On the next 4 slides are 4 things to estimate. Write down your method and what your estimation is and we’ll turn these in at the end of class for classwork credit.

7 Practicing Estimation How many trees are visible in this picture?

8 Practicing Estimation How many seats can you see?

9 Practicing Estimation How many lights are on in this picture?

10 Practicing Estimation How many cars are in this picture?

11 Exit Question Which of the situations at home might be one where you'd use number sense? a) Figuring out how much of each ingredient you need to buy to come up with a new cake recipe. b) Making sure you have enough money to pay the energy bills for the upcoming summer. c) Estimating the amount of paint you’d need for your house walls. d) Figuring out how much detergent you’d need for the laundry for the next week. e) All of the above f) None of the above

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