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The Results of Justification
Lecture 7: Romans 5 Romans
A. We Have Peace With God. (1) A peace that is preceded by justification by faith. "By faith" as used by Paul is well illustrated in Heb. 11, also see Gal. 3:26,27. B. We Stand in the Grace of God and Rejoice. (2) Our faith in Jesus puts us in a favourable light with the Father, (2 Thess. 2:1314; Col.3:4). Christians are looking forward to receiving His glory. Romans
C. Glory in Tribulation 3-5
1. Knowing that tribulation results finally in hope. If we have tribulations then that is an indication of our faithfulness. How? The tribulations produce patience, patience in turn develops approved character which creates hope. 2. And because we are filled with the love of God. Revelation of God's love comes to us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will fulfill our hope. (2 Cor. 1:21,22; 5:5) Romans
D. The Love of God explained 6-8
1. Christ died for us when we were without strength. God's love (pity, mercy, etc.) comes through Jesus Christ. When would this happen? (Gal. 4:4) Why was it due season? (1) People were expecting a Savior, (2) The Jewish dispersion, (3) the universal language, (4) universal peace and (5) freedom of travel. Christ died for everybody's sins (1Jn. 2:2). Romans
2. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us
2. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. It is hard to find compassion for a man that is strictly just, but perhaps easier to be affectionate towards a kind and generous person. But to die for either of these would be unusual. Christ died for us while we were neither righteous nor good. Christ died for His haters and abusers, those who scourged, mocked and crucified Him. No other has ever loved like that! Romans
E. Being Justified by Christ's Death We Are Also Saved by His Life from the Wrath of God.(9,10)
If He died for us while we were still His enemies, then imagine the advantages we have as His friends. His resurrected life affords Christ the opportunity to intercede for us, and rule our hearts and lives if we will let Him. He can lead us to eternal salvation. This passage illustrates the two major works that Christ must accomplish: (1) make a sinner a saint and (2) direct the saints to heaven. Romans
F. We Rejoice in God Through our Lord Jesus Christ. (11)
Eph. 2:14-17 speaks to this reconciliation through Christ in which we are brought into agreement with God. Romans
THROUGH THE ACT OF ONE MAN - JESUS CHRIST (12-21) A. By Comparing Adam and the Consequences of His Actions (See 1 Cot. 15:21) (12) 1. Through Adam sin entered the world and its consequences of death. Now Paul discusses how Christ undid what separated us from God. Spiritual death is what is being discussed. Adam was denied access to the Tree of Life in Gen. 3:22, but he had already died spiritually. Thus when others also sinned, they likewise died. Jas. 2:26; Isa. 59:2 Romans
The doctrine of Original sin
NOTE: What about the doctrine of original sin? There are at least three major views of original sin espoused by the denominational world: (1) CALVINISTIC - we inherit the guilt and consequences of Adam's sin. (2) ARMINIAN - (Methodist, Holiness) we inherit the consequences, but not the guilt. (3) CATHOLIC - Adam's loss of original righteousness is passed to us. We are born neither good nor bad. They created "limbo" to take care of the those who die as children. Romans
3. From Adam to Moses sin was in the world and so death reigned
3. From Adam to Moses sin was in the world and so death reigned. Paul begins a parenthesis that continues through verse 17. As we have already studied, there has always been a law between God and man. Therefore sin has continuously existed since Adam. Not everyone has sinned like Adam did, but everyone has sinned This verse proves we are not guilty of Adam's sin. Romans
B. By Seeing the Similarities and Differences Between Adam and Christ
1. If through Adam's sin transgression entered the world and by it many died, even so by Christ's death can many be justified. Many have died the spiritual death because of Adam. His transgression caused a reign of death. But why are all condemned if all are not guilty of Adam's sin? Because all have sinned following in Adam's footsteps. Compare this to the gift of grace through Christ. Spiritual life abounds in a reign of life. Ail that obey are justified, indeed many are made righteous. Romans
2. The difference between Adam and Christ.
a. Adam's one transgression caused his judgment and condemnation, but because of many transgressions, b. Christ provides the free gift through which many can be justified. God's grace covers a greater range of evils than the one trespass of Adam. Read verses 12, leaving out the parenthesis. Romans
C. The Relationship Between the Law, Sin and Grace. (20,21)
1. When the Law came in, sin increased; but so much more did grace. What then is the purpose of law? As a restraint and a guide. But because of more requirements, it is harder to keep it without making a mistake. 2. Sin reigns in death, but grace reigns through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ. In spiritual death, sin's reign is absolute; it is the king of every man who is dead in sins. How then does grace reign? In righteousness through the gospel plan the ultimate result of this reign is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Romans
VERSE CHRIST act of unrighteousness 12 act of righteousness 18 spiritual death grace 15 judgment 16 free gift-pardon condemnation justification reign of death 17 reign of life Adam's disobedience 19 Jesus' obedience many made sinners many made righteous Romans
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