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Colicins Yara Reis Erik Sommer Pascal Krämer Andreas Kühne Kathrin Nußbaum Marika Ziesack.

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Presentation on theme: "Colicins Yara Reis Erik Sommer Pascal Krämer Andreas Kühne Kathrin Nußbaum Marika Ziesack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colicins Yara Reis Erik Sommer Pascal Krämer Andreas Kühne Kathrin Nußbaum Marika Ziesack

2 Killing by Colicin 2 02.03.2016 Double-transformation: –Sender for AI-1 and Sender for AI-2  into DH5-a and Top 10 Check via GFP-Measurement: Prey-Strain

3 Killing by Colicin 3 02.03.2016 1. Cloning of the receiver-part into the pSB1A3- Vector - receiver-part via PCR from T9002: - will have a Receiver-Vector Cloning Strategy for Killer pSB1A3 Rec

4 Killing by Colicin 4 02.03.2016 2. Cloning of the Colicin-cassette behind the receiver-part into Receiver-Vector  restartet cloning this week, that is why still in progress Cloning Strategy for Killer pSB1A3 Rec Col

5 Killing by Colicin 5 02.03.2016 Test of colicins effect 2. Try: Mixing Top10 cell suspension with colicin containing supernatant - Measurement of cell growth curves

6 Killing by Colicin 6 02.03.2016 Test of colicins effect 2. Try: Results: - no significant difference between normal growthcurve and that with colicin supernatant - perhaps the cells died because of mytomycin instead of colicin Advances: - try other methods to stress colicin producing cells - measure decreasing GFP-expression of cells that shall be killed by colicin instead of OD

7 Killing by Colicin 7 02.03.2016 Future Cloning of colicin behind receiver  verify and visualize Test of colicin effect on e.coli strains and aditionally on different eukaryotic cell lines Purify colicin-proteins via His-Tag for modeling parameters

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