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Khaled Jarrar – Palestine Art Analysis. Football, 2012 Video-Football.

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Presentation on theme: "Khaled Jarrar – Palestine Art Analysis. Football, 2012 Video-Football."— Presentation transcript:

1 Khaled Jarrar – Palestine Art Analysis

2 Football, 2012 Video-Football

3 Palestinian National Football Team

4 Artistic Reference: Socially-Engaged Art Palas por Pistolas by Pedro Reyes (2008-ongoing) Imagine by Pedro Reyes (2012) Video-Imagine

5 At the Checkpoint (2006-07)

6 Whole in the Wall, 2013

7 Artistic Reference: Palestinian Artist Emily Jacir Memorial to 418 Palestinian Villages which were Destroyed, Depopulated, and Occupied by Israel in 1948 Emily Jacir (2001) Whole in the Wall Khaled Jarrar (2013)

8 Live and Work in Palestine (2010-ongoing)

9 "A virtual project inspired by this dream of mine, of living a normal life in a normal country, like a normal human being. Justice for Palestine!" Khaled Jarrar

10 Artistic Reference: Cildo Meireles

11 Video: Palestinian Artist Stamps Passports If you visited the Middle East and you were offered the Palestinian stamp in your passport, would you accept? Would you refuse? Why? What are the possible consequences of each choice?

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