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Your Dream Our Plan. Why I joined BBOM? A Big opportunity to be a pioneer at global level and being able to reach and open new countries with the company.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Dream Our Plan. Why I joined BBOM? A Big opportunity to be a pioneer at global level and being able to reach and open new countries with the company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Dream Our Plan

2 Why I joined BBOM? A Big opportunity to be a pioneer at global level and being able to reach and open new countries with the company (outside Brazil ) Multilevel marketing company on the Internet with physical product with a high demand in Brazil Unepxmil 48 Hours is the mother, a 16 year old solid company. #1 fastest growing Multilevel Company with real and tangible product, taken at the global level through the Internet. Great Leaders of successes in the multilevel Marketing Earn Money Monthly fixed in BBOM (Without Referring). Earn money as a Team with people who are satisfied because they are already earning money monthly fixed.

3 What is your dream?

4 João Francisco de Paulo President Unepxmil leader in the market with 17 years GPS tracking devices BBOM is a division of Unepxmil BBOM is a company that specializes in direct marketing that uses the strategies of marketing multilevel marketing for the distribution of its products and services. Why BBOM? Proven experience

5 Strategic Partners of BBOM Physical 2.000 franchises in Brazil


7 100% Brazilian COMPANY BBOM Established in Brazil Alameda Grajaú, 129, 3or walk - 306 Building Set MURANO, Alphaville - (St Paul) Brazil

8 Legality of the Company

9 Why the big the demand for GPS tracking devices? BBOM is leader in the market with 17 years in Monitoring tracking devices. In Brazil a motorcycle is stolen every 2 hours and a big quantity of vehicles are being stolen and this is great concern in Brazil

10 Law 245/07 The law determines that starting in August 2014, it is required the installation of tracking gps equipment in new vehicles, domestic and imported That’s the reason Unepxmil came up with this brilliant concept to commercialize these products through multilevel marketing (BBOM). Offering a proven compensation plan

11 BBOM prepared for the demand of GPS Today the demand of this equipment is 1.5 million vehicles per Month (Not only for vehicles) In Brazil the national fleet of vehicles is 76 million, Today we have only 3% of the fleet with some kind of security system

12 BBOM has just acquired 3 Helipcoters Robinson model 66 one of the most modern in the market to help locate and recover stolen vehicles.... Others are being negotiated

13 According to the project director, group Bittencourt, José Carlos Fugice, in effect, there is a tendency for microfranquias ensures rapid financial return to the entrepreneur. Learn about the 10 franchises that offer a higher return Unepxmil is the #1 franchise that offers the fastest return on investment Source of the information : Portal The public assessment of the Group Bittencourt (Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF)

14 2 Ways to earn money with BBOM Personal earnings without referring, or selling Team Earnings

15 ¿How it works? Personal Eearnings Micro- franchise

16 THE PRODUCT Gps Tracker Cars Motorcycle Truck Boat Heavy machinery

17 How to use it? 1 Install the Gps tracker 2 The Gps Tracker goes with a locator 3 Central support 24 Hours

18 The Company has triplicate its monitoring team in only 45 days

19 International Business Oportunity

20 Fixed earnings without Selling or Recruiting 4 GPS Trackers Fixed Monthly gross earnings s $80 12 GPS Trackers Fixed Monthly gross earnings s $240 20 GPS Trackers Fixed Monthly gross earnings $400 BRONZE $300 SILVER $900 GOLD $1,500

21 Yearly contract Gold PackageMonthly Earnings U$ 1500PrincipalU$400 Ganancia Individual Gold Package US. 1500 In 4 months you get your investment back Recomended Package Net Earnings U$360

22 Personal Earnings Paquete Recomendado Paquete ORO Gold Package US$1500 DOLLARS Annual Contract Gold PackageMonthly Net Earnings Annual Gross Earnings $1,500.001$360$4,320 $3,000.002$720$8,640 $4,500.003$1,080$12,920 $6,000.004$1,440$17,280 $7,500.005$1,800$21,600 $9,000.006$2,160$25,920 $10,500.007$2,520$30,240 $12,000.008$2,880$34,560 $13,500.009$3,240$38,880 $15,000.0010$3,600$43,200 YOU ARE ALLOWED TO BUY AS MANY PACKAGES AS YOU WANT

23 Personal Earnings ¿Where Do the Earnings come from? You Have 3 Ways to start your business BBOM share with us 50% of monthly revenue of every GPS tracker that is rented, so we can have a fixed monthly income for 12 months You buy 1 Gold Package $1500 This Package includes 20 gps Tracker BBOM Gps Monthly Rent: $40 20 Gps x$40 =$800 Earnings to BBOM $400 Company $400 Affiliate

24 ¿what is the earning per package? Net earning per package: Bronze $40 Plata $200 Oro $360.00 Every Package must be qualified with a monthly payment of US$40.00 Minimun Withdraw $250 Dollars (currently US.50 DOLLARS) We dont have to post ads! Since the first day you buy your package, BBOM will take 30 days in order to install the Gps to their clients and 30 days later you wll receive 2 payments together This are fixed earnings without selling or recruiting

25 All affilates will have a Mastercard debit card to withdraw money

26 Team earnings 7 ways to make money

27 FAST START BONUS Gold Package $1500 You earn $100 Silver Package $900 Bronze Package $300 You earn $60 You earn $20

28 Residual earnings 2% up to 6 levels Residual earnings 2% up to 6 levels Level 1 - 2% Level 2 - 2% Level 3 - 2% Level 4 - 2% Level 5 - 2% Level 6 - 2% Each Gold package $400 x 2% $8 Dóllars Each Silver package $240 x 2% $4.8 Dóllars Each BRONZE package $ 80 x 2% $1.6 Dól As an example we take 3 packages duplicated in 6 level Lets see LevelPersons or packagesPackage2% Monthly Earnings Level 13ORO$24 Level 29ORO$72 Level 327ORO$216 Level 481ORO$648 Nivel 5243ORO$1,944 Nivel 6729ORO$5,832 TOTAL1092 PAQ.TOTAL$8,736

29 Each Membership of $40 generate 25 points, the company pays 6% about $0.75 dollar cents per person or Package Earnings of 6% up to 6 levels Level 1 - 6% Level 2 - 6% Level 3 - 6% Level 4 - 6% Level 5 - 6% Level 6 - 6% LevelPersons or packages duplication 5x5 Earn 6%= 0.75 Dólar x each Package Level 15$3.75 Level 225$18.75 Level 3125$93.75 Level 4625$468.75 Level 531252,343.75 Level 615625$11,718.75

30 Generational Hybrid Binary 2 Teams Left TeamRight Team You 15% of all points generated in your weak leg Example: $30 Dollars $90 Dollars $150 Dollars Gold 5,000 Points 7,000 Points ORO Gold Daily Binary Bonus US$ 750.00 Gold Package 1000 Points Silver Package 600 Points Bronze package 200 POINTS

31 Awards for achieving Ranges QualificationsPointsAwards Ruby Executive50.000PIN Emerald Executive100.000PIN+Montblanc Diamond Executive500.000PIN+Rolex Double Diamond Executive2.500.000PIN+International Travel Triple Diamond Executive7.500.000PIN+ Mercedes Ambassador50.000.000PIN+ Ferrari o Lamborghini

32 Earnings up to 2% of all Global Points 5 Diamond line you earn 1% of all Global points 10 Diamond lines you earn 1% of all Global points

33 The Choice is in your hands!!!

34 Please Study Carefully All Details Through PPT and Also If Required Call Me. If Interested Then Only Register Yourself Thank You

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